America’s favorite business tycoon, Donald Trump, was in the headlines again and not for a very good reason.
In a press conference last week, Donald Trump removed the host of the Univision news channel, Jorge Ramos, from the conference for asking a question when it was not his turn.
Many people have expressed their opinions on the subject saying that Trump had every right to remove the journalist because Ramos was not complying with the rules of the “game.” On the other hand people are saying that Trump was rude and impolite when he told Ramos to leave. Trump’s own words were ” go back to Univision.”
The big question is, who was right? Was Trump right by removing the journalist who was out of line? Or did Ramos have every right to ask questions when he wanted to?
The answer is unclear. Many consider the act a violation not only to freedom of the press but also a violation of freedom of expression.
Both parties could’ve done things differently. Trump could have told Ramos to wait his turn in a more polite manner and Ramos could have waited his turn to ask questions.
Even after thinking about alternative solutions or what each party could have done differently, Trump is still being heavily criticized. This criticism comes not only from the media but from the Latino and Hispanic communities in the United States.
Trump didn’t remove just any journalist from the press conference, but one of the most influential Hispanic journalists. After this incident I do not think anyone in the Hispanic community will want to give their vote to a candidate who calls them rapists and thieves.
On the other hand, there’s Ramos, who just wanted to ask a few questions about Trump’s immigration proposals and plans to implement them if he becomes the president.
It is also important to admit that Ramos’ actions are being called courageous. Perhaps Ramos knew the consequences of what he was doing, but for him it was more important to let his voice be heard– not for himself, but for all those families and people who might be deported or affected if if Trump becomes the president.
Sometimes it’s necessary to do things differently to achieve a greater cause.