All that is good can’t last forever and my time at The Signpost has come to an end. Overall, it was undoubtedly a great experience and something that I will never forget.
I still remember the first time I went into the office. It was full of talkative students and somewhat intimidating. Since I arrived at Weber State University, I had a desire to participate in this magnificent organization, but my fears often won the battle and made me doubt my abilities.
The first thing I noticed when I walked into the office was the lack of cultural diversity on the team. There was no one on the team who was not Caucasian. In truth, this was daunting, but at the same time, there was an incredible opportunity to learn from them and immerse even more into the American culture.
Many times, everyone in the office laughed at some joke and I was the only one who did not understand it, however, I understood that this was part of the cultural experience. Even though I was the only Hispanic on the team, all my colleagues were kind to me and taught me how to do my work.
Oftentimes, the pressure was strong; I felt that I could not continue and wanted to give up, but something kept pushing me forward. I learned many valuable lessons by interviewing different people. Becoming part of this organization helped me extend my vision and get out of my comfort zone.
The easiest thing to do was change my major– which I did before joining The Signpost– but I knew that I needed this type of experience to reach my long term goals. Not only that, but it helped me appreciate all the opportunities that Weber State has to offer.
Now at the end of this path, I can only regret that I did not leave my comfort zone beforehand. My single recommendation for everyone who has a desire to become part of a club or organization on campus is to do it now: Do not wait to be a senior or before it´s too late.
Becoming a part of a campus organization will change your general perspective of campus and of the university. This will make your experience even more significant.
Translated by Taran Wheeler