Heroine Lara Croft battles her way through the lost island of Yamatai.
The final push of spring semester has begun. Graduates are posing for awkward pictures and feeling like dorks in their caps and gowns that they don mostly for family and friends. As graduates and those of us who will still follow the grind of school come wind down the semester, the promise of warmth and summer beckons us.
Many of you will be clinging to a craggy cliff with nothing but air and rocks around you. Others may venture out to the jungles of Panama for an out-of-this-world experience, and the lucky few will venture to Africa in the spirit of service and world unity.
For those of you who will be lucky enough to cling to the exciting reins of adventure, this column is definitely not for you. This last and final piece is a shout-out to my nerds and geeks who can be found in the dark confines of a cold basement while the burning furnace rages outside.
For those of you who are searching for a job that validates all the dollars spent and tears that were shed to acquire it, to those who would just love to find something to do this summer, I present the top nerdy things to do that do not involve embracing the summer sun (at least not for very long).
Laser Zone is a 5,000-square-foot, multiple-level laser tag arena located in Sunset. With music blasting through the air and fog wafting around, players can live out their “Call of Duty” glory and put their mad skills to the true test. Laser Zone is open Tuesdays through Saturdays with varying hours. It’s a great way for my fellow nerds to beat the heat, get out of the house and get some exercise while pwning some noobs.
For those who are more than willing to occasionally venture down to Salt Lake City, The Leonardo, a science and technology museum, is among my top choices of places close to home to visit this summer. Currently, The Leonardo is featuring the famous Dead Sea Scrolls. Hurry, because this exhibit closes after April 27. Check online at TheLeonardo.org for upcoming exhibits and events throughout the summer.
For most of the hardcore nerds, summer is about games. Not just video games, but games like Warhammer, Magic: The Gathering and various other tabletop games. Through the doors of Gamers Asylum in Ogden, Nerdvana awaits. You can peruse the vast comic book selection, or sit down with a group of friends at the many gaming tables set up and play out a couple of rounds of Magic. If video games are your pleasure, the helpful team at the store is knowledgeable and able to assist you in any way you need. Buying a used game versus a brand-new one can save you quite a few dollars.
Which leads me to my used video game recommendation. While other players are chomping at the bit for games like “Mario Kart 8” and “Final Fantasy XV” to come out, here are some titles you may not have played yet, but are worth picking up for a couple hours of fun.

Lara Croft descends onto Shipwreck Beach at sunset after battling her way to find the location of her friend Sam.
Square Enix’s “Tomb Raider” is a beautifully designed game. The scenery is breathtaking and allows you to have an adventure without leaving the comfort of your own home. Although sometimes I felt as if it really should have been called “How Many Ways Can I Kill Lara Croft?”, it’s a game that will take you on an adventure from a shanty town to exotic temples and forests, all the while attempting to get as many head shots as you possibly can with a bow and arrow. “Tomb Raider” is available on all platforms, but I recommend the version for the PC, which can be purchased through Steam.
“Bioshock Infinite” is another beautiful game that allows you a more in-depth understanding of the storylines behind the previous “Bioshock” games. Instead of the game being set in the underwater city of Rapture, a sky city, Columbia, awaits your hero. With an interesting ending that ties Columbia and Rapture together, this installment of the “Bioshock” series is a welcome addition.
These titles can be found at Gamers Asylum or on Steam. The Steam summer sale is always a great way to purchase those expensive titles you have been holding off on buying.