Here at the Signpost, we thank all of our loyal readers, some who faithfully pick up our weekly printed issues and others who view from online (you smart cookies, you).
In an old fashioned manner, I personally prefer the traditional paper copies over the glass screens of today’s phones and tablets (not to say our website isn’t absolutely dazzling, because it sure as heck is).
However, the question arises: what to do with your pages of The Signpost after you’ve enjoyed every word of its wonderful existence? In light of preserving the environment, we present you with a few ideas of ways to recycle your copy of our publication. Beyond the stale practice of tossing them in the recycling bin – pfft, way too mainstream – there are many options including turning the paper itself into a trash or recycling basket.
Just fold the pages into long, thin strips a little less than a centimeter wide and interweave the strands, following an over, under, over pattern. When you’ve reached a base size you like, bend the strips a little so they can continue being woven into the vertical sides of the basket.
Another option is making an origami box to store small things, like paperclips or plastic-wrapped hard candies. These can be super-duper helpful if you’re trying to reorganize your desk (don’t act like it isn’t long overdue for a cleaning).
On that same paper-folding note, our news pages can be used for other origami! Try the classic paper crane, or the many, many other designs out there, including flowers, animals and the all-important ninja stars. These structures can be left around the dorm for decoration. If you’re feeling daring, try something a little bigger – like the people at the Weber State University gym office did, coming up with a decorative tree made from old Signpost issues.
If you would like to try something crafty and eye-appealing, but can’t seem to give up the scissors and glue, try papier mache. People who attempt this beware: it can get a little messy, but well worth it in the end. For a simple bowl, gather white glue, an inflated balloon, and your ready-to-be-recycled Signpost copies.
Tear the newspaper into thin, short strips, dip in glue and wrap around the balloon. After thoroughly covering the balloon with a few good layers of paper, allow it to dry. When the glue is no longer wet, cut the balloon in half and ta dahhh – a nice little bowl to help out even more with that desk reorganization. Although I wouldn’t recommend storing anything wet in the bowl.
Either way, keep a few copies of the Signpost around your house. Not just because they make for a fabulously good read, but because you never know how else they’ll come in handy.
Ew, is there a yucky fly hanging around your room? Not to worry – the Signpost magically turns into a handy dandy flyswatter! Just roll it up, hunt down the little buzzer and give him a good slap.
Oh, and let’s not forget those potty training kids that non-trads have at home. When potty training goes downhill (and all over your nice tile), just lay a few copies of already-read newspaper on top to soak up the mess.
The Signpost also makes great gift wrap. It saves you money, saves the environment, and your Wildcat friends will love it! Just use it exactly as your would traditional wrapping paper.
We really are here for you, see? We have your back – from the joys of potty training to helping you go green. So, return the favor and pick up your copy of the Signpost regularly and get a nice dose of news.