Dummies using dummies
Two kids were in Stewart Stadium on Feb. 21 using training dummies with no other supervision. They walked away from the officer when they began to approach and left. The officer did not see them after they exited.
Shady business
On the Davis Campus, a vehicle was observed parked next to several trees on Feb. 19. Two women got out of the back seat and were asked for identification and why they were there. The two mentioned that they were listening to music and eating candy after converting the back of the vehicle into a bed. They consented to a search of the vehicle, and nothing illegal was found. The women left when they were asked to leave the campus.
Abandonment issues
An abandoned vehicle was reported near the Facilities Management building on Feb. 19. The vehicle identification was run, and it had been reported stolen in Weber County. The Weber County Sheriff responded and took over the investigation.
Paying to slip
In the pay lot, a female employee fell and hit her right leg on Feb. 19. She stated she did not need medical treatment, and the officer transported her to the building she worked at and told her to report the fall.