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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Waldo greets students visiting the Financial Aid and Scholarships office.

Scholarships in the shade: Where students can find more aid

James Gordon, Reporter March 25, 2025

Sprinting across campus to clock into work, cramming a final into your lunch break, scrambling to throw together an essay as the clock strikes midnight — this is the reality for thousands of students...

Red and blue police lights flashing on top of a police patrol car.// Luces Rojas y azules de policia brillando en el techo de la patrulla policial.

Police Blotter 3/18

James Gordon, Reporter March 18, 2025

Trespasser On Feb. 24, Weber State University police arrested a repeat offender for trespassing after returning to campus. Staff informed police the trespasser had returned and was making staff nervous...

Vice provost of High Impact Educational Experiences and Faculty Excellence, International and Graduate Studies, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, is said to be stepping down from her position at Weber State University.// Vice rectora de High Impact Educational Experiences y excelencia de la facultad, studies internacionales y graduados, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, se ha declarado que terminal su trabajo con la Universidad de Weber State.

Weber State se deshace de posiciones de liderazgo en medio de los mandatos estatales

Victoria Hernandez and James Gordon March 18, 2025

La Universidad de Weber State está remodelando sus operaciones en virtud de la Ley 265 de la Cámara de Representantes, eliminando puestos en la administración y reorganizando el personal académico. La...

Vice provost of High Impact Educational Experiences and Faculty Excellence, International and Graduate Studies, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, is said to be stepping down from her position at Weber State University.// Vice rectora de High Impact Educational Experiences y excelencia de la facultad, studies internacionales y graduados, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, se ha declarado que terminal su trabajo con la Universidad de Weber State.

Weber State trims leadership roles amid state mandate

James Gordon, Reporter March 18, 2025

Weber State University is reshaping operations under House Bill 265, eliminating positions in administration and reorganizing academics. HB 265, titled The Higher Education Strategic Reinvestment Bill,...

Red and blue police lights flashing on top of a police patrol car.// Luces Rojas y azules de policia brillando en el techo de la patrulla policial.

Police Blotter 2/27

James Gordon, Reporter February 27, 2025

Fighting on the ice On Feb. 15, a Weber State University police officer was dispatched to the Weber County Ice Sheet for a dispute over a children’s hockey game. Parents of one team were upset when...

Official Weber County ballot box located  on WSU campus.

Mail-in ballots at risk: What HB 300 could mean for future elections

James Gordon, Reporter February 27, 2025

On Feb. 25, Utah lawmakers advanced House Bill 300 to the Senate, a measure that would overhaul the state’s mail-in voting system by requiring voters to return ballots in person. HB 300, introduced...

Red and blue police lights flashing on top of a police patrol car.// Luces Rojas y azules de policia brillando en el techo de la patrulla policial.

Police Blotter 2/25

James Gordon, Reporter February 25, 2025

Oil leak On Feb. 9, a Weber State University police officer observed a streak of oil stretching from 4600 South and Old Post Road to the west side of the University Village parking lot. The oil leak originated...

Red and blue police lights flashing on top of a police patrol car.// Luces Rojas y azules de policia brillando en el techo de la patrulla policial.

Reporte Policial 25/02

Nelly Hernandez Tejada and James Gordon February 25, 2025

Derrame de petróleo El 9 de febrero, un policía de la Universidad de Weber State vio una mancha de petróleo que se extendió desde 4600 South y Old Post Road hasta el lado oeste del estacionamiento...

Red and blue police lights flashing on top of a police patrol car.// Luces Rojas y azules de policia brillando en el techo de la patrulla policial.

Police blotter 2/19

James Gordon, News Reporter February 20, 2025

Church lot chaos On Feb. 1, Weber State University police were dispatched to a reported reckless driver in the church parking lot next to University Village. When police arrived, they did not find the...

A Vehicle Emissions Technical Center is being converted into a Warming Center in Kaysville.// Un centro tecnico de emisiones vehiculares se convierte en un centro de calentamiento.

Caos de Código Azul: Centros de calentamiento y su oposición

Victoria Hernandez and James Gordon February 20, 2025

A medida que febrero alcanza temperaturas bajo cero, la controversia se cierne sobre los planes para albergar a las personas sin hogar en los condados de Weber y Davis. Los refugios para personas sin...

Red and blue police lights flashing on top of a police patrol car.// Luces Rojas y azules de policia brillando en el techo de la patrulla policial.

Reporte Policial 2/19

David Roman Aros and James Gordon February 20, 2025

Caos en el estacionamiento de la iglesia El 1 de febrero, los policías de Weber State fueron enviados a una denuncia de conductor peligroso en el estacionamiento de la iglesia al lado de University Village....

A man walking along the sidewalks with blankets covering him.

Code Blue chaos: Warming centers and their opposition

James Gordon, Reporter February 20, 2025

As February reaches subfreezing temperatures, controversy looms over plans to shelter homeless populations throughout Davis and Weber Counties. Homeless shelters in these counties have set up temporary...

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