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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

A woman prepares to aim the axe at the plywood target on the wall while axe throwing.

WALDO’S CHOICE 2024: Social Axe Throwing wins best date spot

Tristin Ramage, Reporter December 3, 2024

Students at Weber State University have spoken. Voted to be one of the best date spots in Ogden is Social Axe Throwing located at 2581 Lincoln Ave. “If you’re looking for a good spot, and if you’re...

The logo of Don Carlos Street Tacos on Harrison Blvd.

SELECCIÓN DE WALDO 2024: Don Carlos Street Tacos gana mejor restaurante Mexicano

Victoria Hernandez and Alfonso Rubio December 3, 2024

Entre las paredes de Don Carlos Street Tacos no hay solo un ambiente acogedor y comida deliciosa; es el resultado del trabajo duro y la dedicación de unos dueños amigables y una gerente con talento. Irma...

The Farrs Creamery has been a staple in ogden since 1920.

WALDO’S CHOICE 2024: Farr Better Ice Cream wins best ice cream shop

Cooper Hatsis, Culture Asst. Editor December 3, 2024

Since 1920, Farr Better Ice Cream has been a staple of the Ogden Community. With the various flavors of ice cream offered at the shop, there is a bit of history behind every scoop given to a customer. Farr...

One of the cooks at Don Carlos Street Tacos preparing food for customers.

WALDO’S CHOICE 2024: Don Carlos Street Tacos wins best Mexican restaurant

Alfonso Rubio, Reporter December 3, 2024

Within the walls of Don Carlos Street Tacos isn’t just a welcoming environment and delicious food; it is the result of hard work and dedication from friendly owners and a talented manager. Irma Chihuahua...

The Celebracion de Mariposas stole next to the Ohana Association stole.

Ceremonias de graduación cultural ausentes tras el Proyecto de Ley 261

Victoria Hernandez, Translator November 19, 2024

A principios de este verano, cuando la Ley de la Cámara 261 pasó, el paisaje de la celebración de graduación de Weber State University cambió drásticamente. Esta ley limita como las universidades...

Cars line the street with large piles of snow on top.

This weather is snow joke: Prepping for winter

Tatem Cooper, Reporter November 19, 2024

Now that the temperature is starting to fall, out-of-state students are gearing up for a winter away from home. For those hailing from warmer climates, the transition can be particularly challenging. Knowing...

Weber State graduate Eva Martinez with her diploma after the 2021 Latinx graduation ceremony.

Cultural graduations missing after House Bill 261

Wiktoria Kolodziejczyk, Reporter November 19, 2024

Earlier this summer, when House Bill 261 passed, the graduation celebration landscape at Weber State University changed significantly. The bill limits how universities can recognize the achievements of...

Christmas decorations being set up inside the ballroom.

Ghosts, witches, and haunted dolls: supernatural stories around ogden

Tenaya Hyde, Reporter October 31, 2024

With Halloween approaching, many people like sharing their paranormal stories, and Wildcats are no different. Weber State University student Gissel Santoya was around 17 years old when she visited her...

A photo of a white cat looking curiously up at the photographer.

Introducing The House Cat: Ogden’s new cat cafe

Delaney Harrison, Reporter October 29, 2024

A new cat cafe in Ogden is set to open in early 2025, becoming only the second of its kind to exist in Utah. Owners of The House Cat, Christine Otterstrom and Jenny Wilcox, were tired of going all the...

People joining in on the Purple Paw Parade with their dogs.

Los perritos guían la Semana de Homecoming

Nelly Hernandez Tejada and Delaney Harrison October 8, 2024

La Asociación de Exalumnos de Weber State (Weber State Alumni Association) tuvo su celebración anual del Purple Paw Parade el 5 de octubre. Las colitas se movían con diversión, comida y, lo más importante,...

People joining in on the Purple Paw Parade with their dogs.

Puppies lead the way for Homecoming Week

Delaney Harrison, Reporter October 8, 2024

The Weber State Alumni Association’s annual Purple Paw Parade kicked off this year on Oct. 5. Tails were wagging with fun, food and, most importantly, dogs. These furry little companions sported their...

The Harvest Moon Celebration takes place on the Historic 25th Street in Ogden, UT.

Fun fall festivities at the Harvest Moon Celebration

Norlito Ranchez Jr., Assistant Editor September 24, 2024

On Sept. 21, the 22nd annual Harvest Moon Celebration brought the Ogden community together for a full day of fall festivities on Historic 25th Street from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Hosted by the Ogden Downtown...

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