The campus Greek system is often criticized due to misconceptions based on TV shows, movies and other media outlets.
A lot of people think the only thing the Greeks do is party and blow off school work. While the Greeks do know how to have fun, they also know how to earn good grades, participate in community service and host all-inclusive events on campus.
Here are the top five reasons why I think the WSU Greek system benefits students.
You gain an automatic support system
When you become part of a Greek organization, you gain an instant group of friends who have the potential of becoming family.
Another common misconception about the Greek system is they do not put time into their education. The Greek system has members in nursing, musical theater, computer science, business administration, ROTC and many other majors that require a lot of time and effort.

Having that automatic support system can help keep students on track in school because they are being held accountable for their actions by the mandatory grade point average, which is 2.0. Members also have each other to turn to when school and/or life gets hard.
You learn communication skills
Being involved in such a large group forces people to communicate. As a pledge you must communicate with your pledge class on activities and tasks.
When conflicts arise, members must have the competent skills to communicate with one another in order to resolve the issues.
If someone didn’t know how to communicate before the Greek system, they sure will after.
You learn leadership
As a member of a Greek system, you have the chance to run for positions in your sorority or fraternity. If a student can show on a resume that they have taken a leadership opportunity, from small events to the presidency, it is sure to stick out over someone who hasn’t.
Not only does it look better on a resume but it also enhances a person’s people skills for future interactions in their personal life or work.
Greek practice philanthropy
Greek life is often known for its philanthropic involvement on and off of campus. Delta Chi Nu, one of the three sororities on campus, hosts Relay for Life every year, supporting the American Cancer Society.
This year Tau Psi Beta, also one of the three sororities on campus, will be trick-or-canning for Weber Cares. Another philanthropic activity that the Betas participate in is the Jingle Walk on Dec. 6 to combat arthritis.
It’s a chance to prove stereotypes wrong
Becoming Greek can provide the opportunity to prove all those crazies stereotypes wrong.
For example, the Pi Theta Xi president is unlike most fraternity presidents. He is a musical theater major and is highly involved with Weber State productions.
If you are worried about not fitting the stereotype of Greek life, don’t worry. The WSU Greek system offers an acceptance to a wide variety of students.