The Greeks are looking to expand their family through rush week at Weber State University.
The title “rush” comes from Greek history, when people would rush from house to house to find where they belong. Students are doing the same thing—rushing to each sorority or fraternity to figure out which one they wish to belong to.

Weber State has three sororities and three fraternities, all of which were founded at different times.
The oldest of the sororities is Delta Chi Nu, which was founded in 2007. The other sororities are in their infancy: Tau Psi Beta is only a year old and Zeta Gamma Eta is a mere 10 months old.
Founded in 2008, Pi Theta Xi is the oldest fraternity at Weber State. The other fraternities include Phi Gamma Lambda and Psi Phi Psi, the latter of which was founded this past spring.
The Greek counsel has had a whole week of exciting and inclusive activities planned so that prospects, otherwise known as potential new members (PNM’s), can get to know the current Greeks and decide if joining the Greek family is the right thing for them.
“It’s a lifetime commitment,” said Jennifer Wyllie, a Greek and WSUSA Senate member. “You want to make sure you’re serious about your commitment to what this organization is offering you.”
On Monday night Greek crawl was held, which gave each PNM the chance to get to know each sorority or fraternity. There was food, get-to-know-you games and socializing as each Greek organization introduced themselves to the prospects.
Tuesday was the service activity. All three sororities worked together making decorations for awards.
The fraternities roughed the rain and cleaned up a nearby recreational location. After the service, they all met in the Wildcat Theater to watch “The Amazing Spiderman 2.”
Wednesday night was formal night, where each sorority and fraternity got a chance to be one-on-one once again with their prospects.
“Formal night is a one-on-one kind of night,” said Anai Martinon, a member of Zeta Gamma Eta sorority. “We explain who we are and we tell them our backstories, so they get to know us better.”
Let Us Entertain You is Thursday night’s event. This is planned to be a night of fun and laughter as the Greeks put on a show, showcasing their talents.
Saturday and Sunday will conclude rush week with water games and final interviews before bids are sent out and pledging begins.

Although Greek life tends to be given a bad rap, Weber State sororities and fraternities break the social stereotype.
“Being a Greek is one of the most life-changing things I’ve ever done,” said Ross Walker, president of the Greek Counsel. “It builds confidence and helps me get outside of my bubble. Being Greek, you always have a home to come back to.”
Wyllie expressed how open-armed the Greeks at Weber State are. She pledged in a city-wide sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, which was a combination of sisters from multiple universities in Utah.
She says that although her chapter is not on campus, the Greeks have accepted her as one of their own and made her feel welcome.
“It was the family aspect of Greek life that I fell in love with. I only have one brother, so the idea of having a bunch of sisters was exciting, someone I could share everything with, gossip with, whatever girls do, because I never had that growing up,” said Ashley Webb, Zeta Gamma Eta president. “I would go to them for anything and they would come to me for anything.”
Many others expressed their love for the family aspect of Greek life. Many Greeks and potential Greeks live far away from their families while they are attending school, and love feeling that they can still be part of a new type of family.
“I really love the sisterhood. I just love how they bond and click so easily,” said Jackie Kangethe, a freshman Greek prospect. “With love, service and sisterhood, I feel like that is a perfect mix for happiness and that’s where I want to be.”