Caught in the act
On Nov. 7, an officer saw a vehicle in the W3 parking lot with a male in the back seat whose head kept popping up and down. The officer made contact with the individuals and advised them that WSU was public property and that they were okay so long as they were not causing a lewdness issue.
Ongoing threat
Email threats were sent to the office of a college on campus. Officers were able to obtain screenshots but have not identified the individual at this time. The case is still open and pending investigation.
Fainting in class
A student in the Kimball Fine Arts Building was reported to have had a seizure and was unconscious. When the officer arrived, the student was alert and awake. The officer spoke to a witness, the professor, who had seen the student’s head dropping while he was giving instruction.
He caught her head as she was falling over and placed a towel on the back of her head while she was on the ground. The professor reported that he had not seen her convulsing or shaking. The student was cleared by a medical evaluation and the officer found that no external circumstances were related to the possible seizure.
Cat fights
An officer was dispatched to the ice sheet, where individuals were making threats at a vehicle in the parking lot and yelling profanities. When the officer arrived, both parties had left, but the complainant stated that they were putting stickers on her vehicle and trying to start a fight with her.
The officer made contact with the other individuals who reported a stolen sticker, but ultimately no further police action was taken, and the case is closed.