Weber State selected Matthew Mouritsen as the Dean for the John B. Goddard School of Business on Dec. 19, 2019; however, Mouritsen has filled an interim dean position since June 2019.

While Dean Mouritsen has been a member of the WSU faculty in many capacities at Weber State for some time, he is devoted to his new position and hopes to be able to help make the “school even more relevant to its students and the communities we serve.”
One of Mouritsen’s main goals is to stick with the initiatives defined during a faculty retreat in September. According to Mouritsen, these initiatives are the following: building bridges to Goddard; transforming the learning environment; integrating and expanding technology, analytics and critical thinking across the curriculum; and connecting students to curriculum and community.
After graduating from Weber State and working with Continuing Education as an accountant, Mouritsen had the opportunity to teach an introductory accounting course. “It only took a few class sessions for me to realize that I wanted to become a full-time professor,” Mouritsen said.
Mouritsen went on to get his Ph.D. and returned to Weber to become a full-time accounting and MBA professor. He says that being able to work as a professor has sponsored many meaningful interactions with students. Mouritsen said teaching and leading in the MBA program have been some of the most rewarding times of his career so far.
Business Economics and Economics Department Chair Brandon Koford said, “Dr. Mouritsen has a strong reputation among students as a fantastic educator. His experience in the classroom and close relationships with students will benefit the college as we create the curriculum of tomorrow.”
Koford went on to say that Mouritsen’s experience in leadership will allow him to connect with students, faculty and staff as well as the community. This will lead to new and meaningful programs for the school. Mouritsen’s time as interim dean and his short time as dean is off to a great start, according to Koford.
“The University, generally, and the Goddard School, specifically, are abound with devoted professionals who care deeply about the WSU mission and providing the personal touch to teaching and serving students. I look forward to what awaits as I serve as Dean of the Goddard School of Business and Economics,” Mouritsen said.