Suspicious vehicles
On Feb. 27, a Toyota was spotted idling near the entrance to Discovery Loop. The officer noticed that it had been there for several hours but was unable to contact the owner. No further action was taken.
On Feb. 23, an officer was dispatched to the Dee Events Center by a call that stated a vehicle was parked oddly and seemed suspicious. When the officer arrived, they could not locate the vehicle with that description.
Suicide crisis
The Mobile Crisis Outreach Team said they had received a suicide threat from University Village. The officer made contact with the individual and made sure they had a responsible party to look after them while the officer cleared with the individual with MCOT. The individual was then taken to McKay Dee hospital involuntarily with a pink sheet, which is used when a family member or responsible party knows the person is a danger to themselves or others and wants them to seek medical or mental help, even if the individual does not volunteer to get help.
A female needed medical attention after an officer at the campus vaccine clinic reported she was unconscious. Officers were able to get her to drift in and out of consciousness for a while. Once she came to, she reported that this has happened multiple times before. Individuals were able to help her make it to her car and no further action was taken.
Car crash
On Feb. 23, a two-vehicle accident occurred in the W5 lot. Vehicle one was driving down the parking lane and vehicle two was attempting to turn right after checking both ways. Vehicle one struck the front passenger side of vehicle two. Vehicle one’s driver said that there was a large vehicle parked in the last stall which made them unable to see.
A witness spoke with the officer and said that vehicle one did not seem to stop after they attempted to turn left. The witness wrote a statement about the incident, and the report was filed.