Noise Complaints
On Sept. 3, a student in the dorm called in a noise complaint. When police arrived, they found individuals watching a movie and asked them to lower the volume.
A noise complaint was called in about Foam Bash. The police explained that it was a campus event, and the time the event would be over.
Hit and Run
On Sept. 1, a car pulled too far in the parking lot and hit another vehicle. The car did not stay at the scene or report the accident. The incident was categorized as a hit and run.
On Aug. 29, a student reported that there were scratches on their car from another student pulling too close to their car.
In the W-9 parking lot on Sept. 1, an individual was skateboarding and was advised by the police that it was not allowed in the area.
Found Items
On Aug. 31, the police returned bags the cross country team left by their cars. On Aug. 30 a wallet was turned in at NUAMES and returned by the police. On August 29, a bag was found by a fraternity and turned in to lost and found.
A victim received harassing threats on social media. It was reported to police on Aug. 31. The police visited with the victim and gave the resources to use if the behavior persisted.
At the Foam Bash on Aug. 30, two students started to get in an altercation. One student pushed another. The dispute was broken up by the police.
A purse was stolen from the LDS Institute on Aug. 28. An officer was dispatched and took information. The case is still active.
Shots Fired
There was a report of shots fired on Aug. 28. Witnesses and those around the area were interviewed, and no one else heard other shots.
Harassment Update
The victim was contacted once again to follow-up about the alleged stalking complaint made against an ex-boyfriend. There was a second attempt to contact the suspect in the case once again.
Correction for Police Blotter 8/28
In the 8/28 Police Blotter, it states that a medical emergency occurred at the Experience Weber event. This is incorrect and the medical incident occurred at the Late Night at Weber event.