As part of their panel series Stop the Hate, Weber State University’s Center for Diversity & Unity will have award-winning and Cuban-born American journalist and novelist Cristina García as a speaker.
Cristina García is the author of seven novels, including her latest, “King of Cuba.” Her writing centers around her own investigation of expression and culture.
“I don`t remember growing up with a longing for Cuba, so I didn’t realize how Cuban I was, how deep a sense I had of exile and longing,” said Garcia.
She will be speaking to her audience about what it is like being a Cuban-born American and living in two cultures, as well as the process of adapting to another culture and the alienation that comes along with it. She will also be speaking out about changing the notion of immigration.
Stop the Hate is dedicated to bringing awareness to students and the community on certain issues that affect people and groups. It addresses misconceptions and stigmas for a better understanding of them.
Hurst Artist in Residence: Cristina Garcia will begin at 1:30-2:45 p.m. on Sept. 26 at the Shepherd Union Wildcat Theater. This event is free and open to the public.
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