As Train gears up to rock the Dee Events Center at 7:30 p.m. this Thursday, it got me asking myself, “What do I know about Train?” Well, I know Train is a successful modern rock band. I know they were parodied on “Saturday Night Live”, and oh yeah, they wrote the soundtrack to my life.
I’ve always viewed Train as one of those bands that make good music, but are just kind of there among the easygoing adult rock section. Upon further analysis, Train is much more than just vanilla elevator music. Their music has become embedded in my subconscious and has stuck to various moments in my life.
Meet Virginia (1999)
I was an awkward, pimply-faced teenager sporting baggy stonewashed jeans, obscure pro-wrestling T-shirts and dirty skater shoes. This was middle school at the end of the ’90s. Train’s, “Meet Virginia” was in rotation on popular contemporary adult radio, which for me meant I wasn’t intentionally listening. I was too concerned with the hard, rock music of Godsmack and Disturbed to worry about some wussy popular rock band like Train. But somehow this song brings me right back to ninth grade and back to the simplicity of the ’90s in general. “Meet Virginia” represents my teen years and listening to it will always bring back that nostalgia.
Calling All Angels (2003)
After graduating high school, I began working as a fuel station supervisor for Smith’s Food and Drug. “Calling All Angels” played over the loudspeaker at least four times per shift. It reminds me of those long days spent sitting in that 12-by-12-foot booth, looking out of that bulletproof glass wondering what the future held. “Calling All Angels” represents that growing period in my life between high school ending and my new, adult life actually beginning.
Give Myself to You (2006)
For many couples, Train’s song “Marry Me” reminds them of their wedding day, but for me it’s their song “Give Myself to You.” 2006 was a monumental year for my wife and I. We’d bought our first home, got married and gave birth to our first child. During this time we had a daily routine which included a dose of VH1’s morning music video show. I remember getting ready for the day listening to “Give Myself to You.” This song reminds me of a hectic time in my life, when I was learning how to live on my own and understand what it meant to love.
Bruises (2012)
It’s amazing what changes six years can bring. Train took a three-year-long hiatus and I struggled to make ends meet with my new life. It was a rough time for both of us. However, Train rebounded and so did I, but not without a bit of damage. Reflecting on hard times brings to mind Train’s song, “Bruises.” I can remember hearing this song playing on campus during my time at SLCC. It represents a time of rebuilding for me as a returning student.
Angel in Blue Jeans (2014)
Train released their seventh studio album, “Bulletproof Picasso” this year. The lead single, “Angel in Blue Jeans” has already seen success with its music video reaching over 3 million views on YouTube. Featuring Danny Trejo and “New Girl” star Hannah Simone, “Angel in Blue Jeans” is destined to be another breakout among Train’s storied catalog. As for me, this track will always remind me of writing this article. Which means, Train has once again continued the soundtrack for my life.