Harassment emails
Weber State University police met with a complainant on Nov. 3 to discuss options in dealing with a communications harassment case. The complainant was receiving multiple emails from an ex-boyfriend in a short period of time. The emails were not threatening; the complainant simply wanted them to stop.
Student stalking
A WSU officer was notified of a report of stalking on Nov. 5. An employee of WSU had completed a reporting form on behalf of a student who was allegedly being stalked by another student. When officers made contact with the student, they explained to the officer that, over the course of the semester, another student would consistently stare at them and follow them. The behavior made them uncomfortable to the point that they were no longer attending one of their classes. The student was unsure of what to do and wanted time to think about the matter. Due to no imminent threat, and the fact that the student felt safe enough to be able to wait for a decision, the officer allowed them time. The officer began a line of communication between the student and WSU safety resources.
Meeting with the president?
WSU employees notified officers about strange circumstances on Nov. 5. A male came to the President’s Suite wanting to know where the office of the president was. He told staff that he did not need anything from them or the president, but he wanted to know specifically where to locate his office. No threats were made, but staff felt WSUPD should be made aware and provided a photo of the male.
Bicycle accident
A female was competing in a triathlon at WSU on Nov. 6. While riding her bicycle, the brakes gave out and she hit the curb near Dixon Parkway and Edvalson Street. She received lacerations to her face, minor scrapes to her hands and wrists and a large bump on the left elbow. Medical personnel assessed her and allowed her husband to transport her to the hospital.