Shots-fired assistance
Backup was requested from WSU Police by Ogden Police during a shots-fired call on Oct. 30. During the incident, multiple subjects were physically fighting and resisting police at an Ogden home. The WSU officer assisted with detaining individuals, and the officer used force on individuals attempting to re-enter the residence, including brandishing a department-issued firearm while on-scene. The officer kept watch over an individual who was placed in a police vehicle while SWAT cleared the residence and took custody of subjects barricaded in the home.
DUI fake-out
WSU police were checking the area for a reported DUI on Oct. 29 when there were reports of a man driving impaired with a child in the vehicle. A vehicle matching the description was located by a WSU officer and was pulled over. The driver was a female employee on a break from McKay Dee Hospital. The reason for her being pulled over was explained, and she was sent on her way.
Sleepy semi driver
An officer observed a semi truck in the A12 parking lot with a door open on the night of Oct. 27. The officer pulled up to see a man pacing in front of the truck and checked to see if the driver would be sleeping in the lot. The truck driver said he had stopped there so he could go over to McKay Dee for health reasons. He also said he may be over his limit for hours of driving. The officer said that it would be OK if the driver needed to sleep there at that time, but for future reference, sleeping in vehicles was not allowed on university property. The officer also advised that there was a Wal-Mart parking lot near the highway that could be used as a possible rest area.
Sleepy people
A WSU officer discovered a vehicle in a dark area of a parking lot on the night of Oct. 27 and found the location suspicious. After investigating the license plate, the officer found past incidents and previous warnings had been issued to the driver of the vehicle for sleeping on campus. The driver was again told to leave and that sleeping in vehicles on campus was not allowed.