Construction site woes
On Aug. 23, officers responded to a report of theft at Weber State University’s Technical Education Building construction site. Various tools and equipment were stolen from the site and other damages occurred, including damaged tool boxes with locks cut off. The exact date of the theft is unknown, but it is believed to have happened over the weekend between Aug. 20 and Aug. 23.
Shattered windows
Officers responded to a complaint of property damage on Aug. 13. The complainant said they had been in class all day and came back to see their car window shattered. Officers gathered information and checked camera footage and it appeared that the window shattered on its own due to heat and pressure. The complainant was shown the video footage of the window breaking.
Let the bodies hit the floor
On Aug. 6, an officer came across a man lying in the middle of a parking lot. The officer asked if the man needed assistance, but he answered no. The officer advised him to move out of the parking lot to avoid being hit by a car. The officer left after the male moved to lie down in the grass.
Suspicious male
Officers responded to a resident assistant at University Village Building Four regarding a suspicious male seen on the premises on the evening of Aug. 6. The suspect was described as average height, wearing a ball-cap, jeans and a plaid shirt. Officers conducted periodic checks throughout the night, but the suspect was not found.
Faux paws
On Aug. 4, officers responded to a call regarding a large dog chained to the fence along the field above the pond on the west side that appeared to be dead. The caller was advised that it was a fake coyote used to keep birds off of the field.
Acting strangely
On Aug. 4, officers responded to a suspicious person report from a motorist traveling on Edvalson Street. The subject was “acting strangely” and the motorist stopped to ask if they were OK. The subject kicked the vehicle, causing minor damage to the front passenger door. The motorist drove away as the subject gave chase yelling threats. The subject was last seen on Taylor Avenue. The motorist decided to not pursue further action.
Peeping Tom
Officers responded to suspicious circumstances at the Stewart Library on July 30. A male was seen following and taking pictures of faculty after having been told not to make contact during a previous incident. The male was issued a written trespass notice.