Parent spat
On March 28, two parents at a little league hockey game began arguing. Police took both of their statements where both parties reported that one had assaulted the other.
Phone scams
A complaintent’s Google Voice app was hacked on April 11. The scammer had used his app to scam a victim in Minnesota into sending them a $150 Ebay gift card. The Minnesota victim reported the incident to their local police department, and the officers informed the owner of the account to recover his account or delete it.
Online classes=more free time
Two individuals were seen in the back of a vehicle on April 12. The officer could not tell if there was any sexual activity. When making contact with the individuals, they told the officer they were joining an online class for NUAMES. One individual said they were taking nap and that’s why they were lying down. The driver of the vehicle did not have his license on him, and the other was a minor. The officer said they could not leave until driver’s brother brought his license. Once his brother arrived with ID, the officer warned them of what could and could not happen since the individuals had been spoken to before.
Camping out for football
An RV was noticed in the Dee Events Center lot on April 10. The stabilizers were down when an officer drove past, indicating that someone could be camping out inside and planning to stay. An officer knocked on the door and made contact with an individual who said that they had come to see his son play football. The individual said they had called Parking Services before arrival and was cleared to stay in the parking lot. Officer checked with Parking Services and the story checked out.
After hours
A car was noticed after hours on April 6. The vehicle was parked at Beus Pond and someone was asleep in the driver’s seat as the officer approached the car. The officer advised the individual of parking hours and told them they would have to find somewhere else to sleep.