Each year on Oct. 1, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is published to comply with the requirements of the Clery Act and other federal regulations.
The Clery Act is a federal statute that requires all colleges and universities with federal financial aid programs to disclose information about crime on and near their campuses. Along with the annually published report, a public crime log must be available with the past 60 days of information.
Crime statistics must be available for the previous three years in the annual report. These include crimes that have occurred on campus, in residence halls, in non-campus buildings or on public property near the campus.
On Oct. 1, the 2018-2019 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report was released. The report is 60 pages long and details the crime statistics for the past three years, the policies for reporting crime, emergency procedures and the protections available for students. After the safety report, the Fire Safety report and statistics follow.
The complete report is attached here.
The crime statistics are broken down by campus: Ogden, Davis, Farmington and West (Roy).
In Ogden, there were some notable statistics for the 2018 year. There were no reports of murder, negligent manslaughter, robbery, arson or arrests for weapon possessions.
There was an increase in the number of reported rapes on campus. Ten rapes were reported with nine of them having taken place in student housing. This is up from nine in 2017 and four in 2016.
Two aggravated assaults occurred on campus which is up from zero in 2017 and down from three in 2016.
There were two burglaries and three motor vehicle thefts in 2018 on campus property. In 2017, there were six burglaries and two motor vehicle thefts.
There were two reports of domestic violence, which is up from 2016. Both of the 2018 reports took place in student housing.
Three reports were made about stalking. This is down from 13 in 2017 and 15 in 2016.
Three arrests were made for drug abuse violations, with only one in student housing. There were 40 disciplinary referrals, which all took place in student housing. Both of these are up from 33 drug abuse arrests in 2017 and 34 referrals.
Only one arrest was made for liquor law violations, with 49 disciplinary referrals issued for liquor law violation. The arrests are down from six in 2017 and the referrals are up from 32 in 2017.
The Davis Campus has had one rape in 2016 on non-campus property, but have had no reports since. However, there was one case of domestic violence reported in the same year.
Also in 2016, there was a disciplinary referral for weapons possession or carrying.
In 2017, there were two arrests for drug abuse and one referral.
In 2018, there was one case of arson reported and one case of stalking.
On both the Farmington and West campuses, there have been no Clery Act crimes reported.
According to this report, there were no hate crimes in the past two years. There were two reported in 2016 having to do with the individuals’ sexual orientation.
In the fire section of the report, it stipulates how often there are evacuation drills per year in residential buildings. It also details which have smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and devices and evacuation plans and placards.
In the past three years, there have been no fires in any residential building. There were two fire drills per year, one per semester, in 2018.
The purpose of the Clery Act is to keep the public and the students informed and safe. Knowing how to report any crime can make it easier for students to report them, and info can be found on the WSU Police page or in the Annual Safety and Fire Report.
There are also resources in both to help students find help outside of the police department. Safe@Weber has an available advocate for students and the Counseling and Psychological Center can help students get the help they need. Both resources are confidential and won’t report any identifying information to the university without the student’s consent. Other sources for students can be found on the Safe@Weber page.