(The Signpost)
Following the recent executive student elections and the Clubs and Organizations Carnival, the Clubs and Organizations branch of Weber State University Student Association is already making plans for next year.
WSU has over 200 clubs and organizations, but no more than a third of them attended the carnival on April 12 from 8 a.m.–2 p.m., according to newly sworn-in Clubs and Organizations Vice President Jessica Cairo.
Cairo plans to open more communication with these groups, invite more of them to attend the carnival and provide extended time to plan their activities.
“If you could just imagine having even half of them present, we would fill the entire lane, the entire Union ― probably the second floor and the ballrooms, too,” Cairo said. “So, the more participation we have from the clubs and organizations, the bigger and better it’s going to be.”
Heather Cimino, coordinator of Clubs and Organizations, said there are two goals to the carnival: to “celebrate and thank all the clubs and organizations on campus,” and to allow them to highlight themselves and their achievements. Aside from providing entertainment ― this year’s being violinist Josh Vietti and acrobatic clowns ― the event tried to make students see their university as more than just a commuter school.

“I believe that engagement on college campuses is really important for students ― outside of the classroom,” Cimino said. “Obviously, academics are number one, but what are students doing in addition to that that keeps them on campus and makes them feel like they’re part of the community, makes them feel like they want to come back every day, every month, every year, and to finish and actually graduate?”
Cairo likewise believed there’s more to the college life than the education and encouraged students to find their place in the campus community.
“As much as we love to learn, it’s not the classes that bring you to school. It’s your friends in those classes. It’s the relationships you make. It’s the clubs and organizations and involvement that you get into that really make you enjoy college life,” Cairo said. “For every student, there’s a club and organization on campus for them, and if theirs isn’t, they can create one.”