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The Student News Site of Weber State University

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Vice President of Diversity and Unity Xitlalli Villanueva talking about her position on campus. Villanueva also serves as the sitting student board member on the Utah Board of Higher Education.

A senate sit-down

Sky Mundell, Reporter October 13, 2022

The student senate meeting on Oct. 10 began with a presentation from Xitlalli Villanueva, WSU’s vice president of diversity and unity. Villaneuva gave the presentation from her position as the Utah...

A portion of the crowd listening to hip-hop music, as indicated by the red station.

Disco is silent, not dead

Brisa Odenthal, Reporter October 11, 2022

Weber State University students gathered in the ballrooms of the Shepherd Union building on Oct. 7 to participate in a silent disco as part of the “True Wildcat Night” tradition during the 2022 Homecoming...

Candles lined up to be set in lanterns. (Karli Aki/ The Signpost)

Lighting and uniting: Weber lights the W

Brisa Odenthal, Reporter October 6, 2022

Weber State University students and community members of all ages gathered underneath the bell tower on Oct. 3 to celebrate homecoming week with “Light the W.” The celebration began at the Stewart...

WSU softball player Brooke Moeai helping student Connie Lopez understand more about the Ohana Association at WSU.

Campus life is leveling up!

Lucas Moore, News editor September 6, 2022

Weber State University kicked off its annual campus block party today from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students were able to visit different tables set up by a plethora of campus clubs, organizations and departments. Tara...

Ericka De'Lynn elegantly walks across the stage as she performs. Photo credit: Summer Muster

Serving… inclusivity!

Adam Montgomery April 4, 2022

Diversity and Inclusivity Week is a week-long run of events and gatherings to foster a healthier environment for Weber State students who may feel alone or unspoken for. Events this week include Waldo's...

Newly elected President Ashley Potokar (left) hugs VP of Activities Colette Mortensen (right) tightly in celebration. (Bella Torres / The Signpost)

New year, new leaders

Lucas Moore March 13, 2022

The Weber State University Student Association announced the results of the student body election during the annual Weber’s Got Talent on March 4.In between the individual talent displays, WSUSA...

Advertisements for the running senators are placed in a row in front of the W8 parking lot, located on Ogden campus.

Prepping the ballots

ezra striley-weinman February 28, 2022

The Weber State University Student Association announced their candidates for the 2022-23 school year student government elections on Feb. 26.All information on candidates from the 2022-23 election and...

Hunter Caldwell's platform is focused on uplifting the student body and supporting individual students to change the culture at Weber to promote broader inclusivity.

Great, great, great presidential debate

Jennifer Greenlee February 28, 2022

In Weber State University's first all-women presidential candidate debate, the three presidential candidates running for Weber State University Student Association Student Body President, Hunter Caldwell,...

An online petition went up online on Nov. 12 advocating for an LGBTQ senate position on Weber State University’s Student Association. Photo credit: Weber State University

Petitioning for more diverse leadership

Lissete Landaverde November 17, 2021

An online petition went live on Nov. 12 advocating for an LGBTQ senate position on Weber State University's Student Association. The petition was posted on social media and was sent to professors to share...

Students participating in the movie night find a spot on the floor together to enjoy snacks before the movie. Photo credit: Lisa Rajigah

Movie nights for Wildcats

Lucas Moore October 11, 2021

Along with other Homecoming Week traditions, Weber State University holds an annual movie night. This year the movie was held at Wildcat Village in Stewart Wasatch Hall on Oct. 8. Many Wildcats were in...

Though not completely under WSUSA, many Hype Squad members can be found in the office located on the Shepherd Union's third floor. (Kennedy Robins/ The Signpost)

Wildcats wearing their Weber-wear on Wednesdays

Makayla Geddes October 11, 2021

Wildcat Wednesdays are a new school spirit initiative officially introduced to campus for the first time this year. Started by the Hype Squad to promote Wildcat pride, students are encouraged to wear purple...

Members of the Weber State University Ballet Folklórico group watch a video of a past performance during a community event celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at Weber State on Sept. 30. Photo credit: Weber State University

Un ampio sguardo all’inclusività in WSU

Caitlyn Nichols October 4, 2021

Forse Weber State University non appare un centro di diversità. Secondo il meeting di WSU Institutional Research, nel 2020, 268 studenti – meno del 1% della corpo studentesco – erano studenti...

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