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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

A vendor table set up at the Future Flyers event sells cheerleading bows and other cheerleading related items.// La mesa de los vendedores siendo armada en el evento de Future Flyers vende tazones y otros objectos relacionados con porrismo.

Looking at the next gen of cheer

Anna Kuglar, Editor March 13, 2025

Weber State University’s Spirit Squad hosted young competitive cheerleaders from across the nation in an event known as The Future Flyer Faceoff which took place in Swenson Gym on March 8. The event...

Future Flyer cheerleader doing a handstand in her stunting routine.// Animadora de Future Flyer haciendo una Parada de manos en su hermosa rutina.

Mirando la próxima generación de animadoras

David Roman Aros and Anna Kuglar March 13, 2025

Los miembros del Spirit Squad de la universidad de Weber State alojaron a jóvenes animadoras de competición de todo el país en un evento conocido como “The Future Flyer Faceoff” (enfrentamiento...

A protestor shouts at a pro-Trump truck passing by.

Not My Presidents’ Day: Utahns protest at the Capitol

A.J. Handley, Asst. Editor February 20, 2025

Over a thousand Utahns filled the steps of the state Capitol on Feb. 17 in protest of President Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Many groups organized across social media that planned events at the Capitol....

A protestor shouts at a pro Trump truck passing by. (AJ Handley/The Signpost).// Un protestante grita a una camioneta con  bandera de trump pasando cerca de el. (AJ Handley/The Signpost)

Día de no mi presidente: Ciudadanos de Utah protestan en el capitolio

Nelly Hernandez Tejada and A.J. Handley February 20, 2025

Más de mil residentes de Utah estaban en el capitolio del estado el 17 de febrero, en protesta del Presidente Trump y Elon Musk. Varios grupos organizados por las redes sociales planearon los eventos...

The small waterfall near the Ada Lindquist Plaza and Pond.// Una pequeña fuente cerca de la plaza de Ada Lindquist y el pozo.

Amigos de plumas delicadas en la Plaza Ada Lindquist y el pozo.

Victoria Hernandez and Shawn Penrod February 11, 2025

Aquí en la Universidad de Weber State, hay más vida en el campus que solo los estudiantes y profesores. Cuando entras al campus por Harrison Boulevard, alrededor de la parte trasera del Edificio de Administración...

The small waterfall near the Ada Lindquist Plaza and Pond.// Una pequeña fuente cerca de la plaza de Ada Lindquist y el pozo.

Fine feathered friends at Ada Linquist Plaza and Pond

Shawn Penrod, Photographer February 11, 2025

Here at Weber State University, there’s more life on campus than just students and faculty. When entering the campus off of Harrison Boulevard, around the back of the Miller Administration Building,...

Thousands of patrons from around the world flock to Park City every year to attend the festival. (AJ Handley).//

Feast your eyes on the Sundance Film Festival

A.J. Handley, Photographer January 30, 2025

Every January, thousands of eager spectators flock to the snowy mountains of Park City, Utah, to partake in one of the biggest festivals in the world, The Sundance Film Festival. For nine days, Park...

Icicles formed on the tops of the walls for the Ice Castles.// Formas de hielo en la cima de las paredes de los castillos.

Diversión congelada en los castillos congelados de Midway

Victoria Hernandez and Anna Kuglar January 21, 2025

Todos los inviernos, durante dos meses, un amplio equipo de artistas de hielo se reúnen para esculpir los grandes castillos de hielo artificiales que decoran Midway, Utah. Los complejos castillos de...

Icicles formed on the tops of the walls for the Ice Castles.// Formas de hielo en la cima de las paredes de los castillos.

Frozen fun at Midway’s Ice Castles

Anna Kuglar, Photo Editor January 21, 2025

Every winter, over the course of two months, a large team of ice artists come together to sculpt large, man-made ice castles to decorate Midway, Utah. The intricate ice castles allow visitors to wander...

With the recent new Betelgeuse film coming out, a fun character costume inspiration could be the original and new characters from the movie franchise.

Disfraces menos costosos: Ideas de looks de segunda mano

Nathanael Stout and Anna Kuglar October 24, 2024

Con la venida de Halloween, puede ser difícil pensar en un disfraz creativo e impresionante a último minuto que funciona tanto solamente como en una pareja o un grupo. Sin embargo, un viaje a la tienda...

With the recent new Betelgeuse film coming out, a fun character costume inspiration could be the original and new characters from the movie franchise.

Less costly costumes: Ideas for thrifted looks

Anna Kuglar, Editor October 24, 2024

With Halloween around the corner, it can be difficult to come up with a creative and impressive last-minute costume that works solo, in a couple, or as a group. However, a trip to the thrift shop can be...

The decorations at the corn maze really captured the vibe of the event.

Lost in the corn

Amy Luong, Photographer October 15, 2024

The Green Acres Family Dairy, Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze, held every fall in the center of Northern Utah's breathtaking scenery, provides a unique blend of outdoor exploration and festive enjoyment. Families...

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