Students took to the stage Thursday at Weber State University’s Davis Campus to sing their hearts out at karaoke night.
A small crowd filed into the Davis campus ballroom, ready to watch and participate in a fun night of karaoke. Students from Weber State and NUAMES gathered together, intent on sharing their talents with a willing audience.
NUAMES student Katrina Cernucan impressed all in attendance with her ability to read and sing Japanese, while WSU student Daniel Hummel sang “Under the Bridge,” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Sisters Summer and Sierra Brees amazed the crowd with beautiful singing voices. Sierra Brees also brought out her acoustic guitar and performed solo without the use of the karaoke machine and received a standing ovation from the crowd.
The next event coming up at Davis Campus will be a Murder Mystery Dinner on Oct. 30 from 6-8 p.m.