The beloved childhood Disney cartoon Cinderella comes to the big screen in live action with a more realistic viewpoint and deeper plotline, thrilling audiences and bringing them flocking to the movie theater.
The movie “Cinderella” sticks to the basics of the original cartoon movie of an evil step-mother and step-siblings, animals that take on human qualities and an enchanting ball. The basic plotline of the movie is similar to the original film, but it does dive more into the relationships between the characters and gives you more background on the characters.
One of the things I really enjoyed was that at the beginning of the movie it showed Ella’s life before she became known as Cinderella by her step-family. It also showed what Ella’s life was like with her mom and dad. On her mother’s death bed she tells Ella to be kind and have courage, which turns into a theme throughout the movie. It also explains why she goes from being called Ella to Cinderella
The live action version “Cinderella” gives the back story of why the step-mothers hatred for Cinderella is so strong and the relationship between them. It also shows Cinderella’s relationship with her father and the deeper connection they have after her mother passes away.
I really liked that they made Cinderella fight back a little more and have a backbone with her step-mother and step-siblings. It also shows her breaking down because of how she is treated. I feel the movie overall humanized Cinderella and made the situation more understandable.
Another thing I really like is that it builds on Cinderella’s relationship with the prince. It shows her meeting him in the woods for the first time and at the ball. While the relationship is fast paced, they at least build on it and you understand why the she and the prince end up together. It also shows that Cinderella doesn’t know he is a prince until the ball and their relationship is built off their personalities.
Heather Bohman-Carter does an incredible job as the fairy godmother. She is only in the film for about 10 minutes, but it funny and gives the character a unique and quirky personality. I was very skeptical of her taking on the role of the fairy godmother because of her role in Harry Potter as Bellatrix LaStrange and the innkeeper’s wife in Les Miserables which are darker characters, but she does a fantastic job.
This film is for all ages. It is a clean movie with lots of humor and great life lessons. The only questionable thing is when the animals are turned into humans. Since the animals don’t fully turn into humans, they have lizard eyes, tails and teeth on a human body. Personally, it really freaked me out.
The animations in the film are amazing. The transformation of the animals turning into humans was realistic and flawless. The animals looked real, but still took on human characteristics as they did in the cartoon film. The camera angles also increase the emotions and mood of the scene as well as the suspense.
Cinderella also shares great messages throughout. One lesson is the power of being kind and doing good unto others. Cinderella lives by the motto of be kind and have courage which are the last words her mother gives to her. One of the most moving parts of the film for me was when she looks at her step-mother and, although she has done the cruelest things to her, Cinderella looks at her and tells her she forgives her.