The Women’s Center put on a small play production Tuesday letting students know that breast cancer doesn’t always affect those we see as “normal.”
The play, “Too Young for Breast Cancer,” follows 20-year-old Bonnie in her emotional journey when she discovers she has breast cancer.
The production showed students that this disease doesn’t always follow the rules.
Bonnie first discovers a lump in her breast which leads to doctor’s visits, chemotherapy and an overall emotional roller coaster.
The story gets the word out to women that breast cancer can happen to them, and helps women who may be in a similar situation.
The production was relatively short, but in that time it was able to convey an important message. The play had some lighthearted comedy sprinkled throughout but it was very informative and really tried to kill the stereotype that breast cancer only occurs in women over 40 who have a family history with the disease.
The program also featured a survey the Women’s Center asked viewers to complete. It included questions about self breast exams and a section for participants to explain what they learned from the presentation.
Morgan Call, a theater student playing Bonnie, the main character, talked about how she became involved with the play by chance.
She said she was very glad she did get involved in the end, and how important it is that the play informs people on how to deal with the disease if they ever got it.
“I feel like I would be more prepared, and I do wish that on everyone,” Call said.
Not only did this bring Call an opportunity to learn but she also enjoyed working with the Women’s Center in their efforts.
“I loved working with this,” Call said. “I’ve never been personally affected by breast cancer, so I think now being a part of this I would love to help every year.”
Students who attended the play also gained good insight on the implications of having this disease.
“There’s been a couple people in my family who have had the disease, so I feel semi-prepared for the possibility,” freshman Selena Estrada said. “I think that’s how it should be in all families. Everybody should know about it.”
Freshman Rachel Barowski talked about the social implications when it comes to men who have breast cancer. The fact was only mentioned briefly in the play but it’s very real.
“Guys don’t have specific doctors for this kind of thing like girls do,” Barowski said. “They don’t have to go in for mammograms or anything like that so I think it would be especially scary for guys.”
WSU Breast Cancer Awareness Chair Jamie Crandal was in charge of the production and said that she was happy with how it turned out.
There were more community members than students who came to watch, but those people were still informed about the importance of knowing about the disease. Letting people know breast cancer doesn’t discriminate was the main thing Crandal tried to convey through the production.
“Honestly, you don’t have to be 40 to start your self breast exams,” said Crandal. “Early detection is key. That’s the bottom line.”
The Women’s Center has worked diligently this month to promote awareness for this disease. This, along with the bra decorating competition, has gotten them a lot of attention.