Get ready, Wildcats! It’s the middle of September and autumn is here. Before we know it, we will be plagued with the infamous Utah weather, and by that, I mean weather that likes to constantly change.
We have all had those days where we feel perfect. We walk out of the house, expecting the weather to share our happy moods, but instead, the sky is weeping.
When I was a little girl, I hated rainy days. We had to stay indoors for recess and I couldn’t jump-rope with my friends or continue to master those monkey bars. Thunder used to terrify me and I would run for the comfort of my parents’ bed.
Those feelings changed after I got an umbrella for Christmas. I asked my parents every day if it would rain so that I could use my new umbrella and I watched the sky faithfully for any sign of rain clouds.
As I grew, I learned to love rainy days for more reasons than the umbrella. I know that for some of you, bad weather is the bane of your existence, but keep a couple things in mind and rainy days might not be so bad anymore.
First off, nothing screams sweater weather like rain. Use the rainy weather as an excuse to simply not get ready. Pull out those sweaters, hoodies and Uggs and bask in the comfort that bad weather brings.
Oh, to be kissed in the rain. At the very mention of the phrase, I can almost hear girls across campus sighing. Rainy days are so romantic! And what’s not to love about that?
If you have a honey, rent a movie, make your favorite treat and prepare for an idyllic night while the chaos continues outside.
But what if you happen to be wonderfully single at the moment? Don’t despair! Curl up next to a fire, whip up a cup of hot chocolate, crack open a book and fall in love with a character instead.
So reading isn’t your thing? Find a movie you’ve been anxiously awaiting, pull out some board games, invite some friends over and turn it into a party. Rainy days are for celebrating, not for despairing.
Rainy days can make for great productivity. Make the most of the time you are stuck inside. Organize your bedroom, do your laundry, get some homework done, write a letter or call someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
Sometimes rainy days can get us down, but being productive will lift your spirits for sure.
One night I found my dad on the back porch, watching the sky. Confused, I watched the sky intently too, wondering what he was looking for. Before I even knew what was happening, a beam of light split the sky, followed almost immediately with a clap of thunder so loud I felt it in my heart.
Although my first instinct was to run, I noticed that my dad hadn’t even jumped. I soon learned that I would always find him outside during a lightning storm, simply because he found them breathtaking.
Yes, rainy weather might make for bad hair days and dangerous driving, but if you look for the beauty and the silver linings in the cloudy sky, rainy days can become your favorite days. That alone will make living in Utah a whole lot better.