Vaccinations for the COVID-19 virus have started to filter in to multiple states in the U.S. Utah and Weber County, specifically, held a vaccination site on Jan. 5 at Weber State University’s Dee Events Center.
The health department started receiving the vaccine around the last week of December, according to a WSU press release.
“Healthcare workers in non-hospital settings (medical, dental, EMS) are the first priority group to participate in the invitation-only clinics,” Allison Hess, director of Public Relations, stated in the press release from Jan. 4.
The Weber-Morgan Health Department will work with WSU by providing volunteers for the clinics and space to serve residents.

“I am glad that we are in a position where we are able to offer our resources,” President Brad Mortensen said.
WSU and Weber-Morgan Health Department have had a long-standing relationship and hope this collaboration will help keep those in the community healthy.
Volunteers from Ogden and Weber fire districts, Weber-Morgan Medical Reserve Corps and WSU will help the clinics run smoothly every week.
According to the Utah Coronavirus website, the timeline for the distribution of the vaccine will begin with frontline health care workers. It will then be offered to tribal health, EMS and public health workers. Long-term care facilities and K-12 teachers and staff will be next in line.
Law enforcement workers and EMTs will come near the end of February, and those in the community over 70 years old will follow. This could fluctuate and change over time and depends on the availability of vaccines.

More information on vaccinations can be found at Coronavirus.Utah.gov/Vaccine.