Clubs and organizations at Weber State University can earn funding by getting all members of any campus club or organization to register as voters through TurboVote.

Students are eligible to register to vote, and there’s additional incentives through using TurboVote for WSU’s variety of clubs and organizations.
Heather Cimino, coordinator of clubs and organizations on campus, said TurboVote allows verification of members. After all members were registered, political engagement will transfer funds to their club account.
Cimino also explained the importance of being politically aware. It is important for all citizens, not just students. Cimino suggests that if citizens feel that their voices won’t be heard, then they won’t. If enough people challenge this self-defeating mindset, actual change is possible.
According to, “The Utah Campus Cup is a statewide voter registration challenge sponsored by the Utah Lieutenant Governor’s Office. Universities and colleges compete for the ownership of the Campus Cup trophy, cool prizes, bragging rights and a meeting with the Lieutenant Governor.”
WSU is ranked first on the most registered voters, followed by Snow College and USU, who hold second and third places, respectively.
Cimino credits this to word-of-mouth at the university and student body president Ben Ferney and his dedication.
“I also think the CCEL office has done great work trying to get students to register through fun campaigns and incentives, like the awesome “VOTE” shirts they gave out,” Cimino said.
Clubs and organizations using TurboVote have a great deal of incentives to ensure that their members are registered to vote, which is a win-win situation, according to Cimino.
“I would encourage anyone to get involved through TurboVote and do their part as a Weber State student, a Utah resident and citizen of the United States to educate themselves on the views of those that are running for office,” said Whitney Olson, Vice President of Clubs and Organizations at WSU.
Olson also said since most citizens of the U.S. are eligible to vote, we have the right to express our opinions, and common sharing of differing opinions helps us pick out leaders that reflect those same positions.
In addition to cash incentives and prizes, there are benefits from being involved with clubs and organizations who are using TurboVote. Those involved have the opportunity to learn more about voting, how it works and why they, as individuals, may or may not want to register to vote.
“It is a win for clubs and orgs,” Cimino said. “Receiving funding is always a good thing that helps clubs and organizations achieve their goals, and it is a win for our community because it is helping young people see the importance of doing their civic duty, educating themselves and creating life-long voters.”
Editor’s note: Whitney Olson’s name was spelled incorrectly. The story has been updated with the correct spelling.