Car Fighting
A suspicious vehicle was spotted at University Village on Sept. 7. An officer approached the vehicle and reported that the owner of the vehicle seemed to be talking on the phone in an upset matter. The individual informed the officer that he was arguing with his girlfriend. The officer informed the student of the counseling programs on campus and left.
Pokémon GO? More like Pokémon stop
In the A4 parking lot on Sept. 9, a suspicious vehicle with its lights on was stopped. The officer made contact with the occupants, who were found to be playing Pokémon GO. The officer left the individuals to the game.
All park but no bite
At University Village on Sept. 9, a resident reported that his car had been damaged sometime in the previous day. The owner accused the damage of coming from the car next to him; however, the car next to his had no damage. The officer took photos of the vehicle but couldn’t look at the cameras because the power was out at University Village.
Nothing to see here
A burglary alarm was triggered in Miller Administration Building on Sept. 9; an employee had triggered the alarm. The alarm was then turned off by a coworker.
Smoke and Mirrors
A fire alarm was reported at Wildcat Village on Sept. 7. The only sign of fire or smoke was a candle light in one of the rooms. The RA’s confiscated the candle, and the alarm was turned off. The WSU fire marshal conducted an investigation the next day.