1. Which famous movie star did Justin Bieber challenge to a fight?
a. Tom Cruise
b. Dwayne Johnson
c. Leonardo DiCaprio
d. Johnny Depp

2. Which member of Trump’s White House announced that they will be leaving at the end of the month?
a. Bill Shine
b. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
c. Rod J. Rosenstein
d. Randolph D. Alles
3. Which large superstore had a nationwide register outage on June 15?
a. Walmart
b. Target
c. Costco
d. Sam’s Club
4. How many people were injured by fireworks during the Larry H. Miller Utah Summer Games in Cedar City?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
5. Which Ogden, Utah, restaurant has been under fire from national media for turning away customers with service animals?
a. Bombay Grill
b. Mediterranean Barbecue
c. Greek Cafe
d. Italian Eatery
1. a. Tom Cruise. Justin Bieber challenged Tom Cruise to a fight in the octagon via Twitter on June 9, according to CNN. This sparked a media frenzy throughout the following week. Bieber stated he was kidding on June 12, stating that “It was just a random tweet. I do that stuff some times.” Cruise had not responded to the challenge as of June 16.

2. b. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Trump announced through Twitter on June 13 that Sanders will be leaving the Trump administration at the end of June, according to The New York Times. There has been no successor announced. Along with this new vacancy, the job of communications director has been left vacant since March.

3. b. Target. On June 15, Target had a nationwide register outage for two hours, according to CBS. The outage was confirmed not to be a breach of security.
4. d. Four. According to the Deseret News, four people were injured in the Summer Games in Cedar City, which took place during at the South Utah University Eccles Coliseum. Only one person was transported to the hospital via ambulance.The incident is still being investigated.
5. a. The Bombay Grill. A group of veterans with service dogs planned to eat at The Bombay Grill, according to The Hill, but were turned away because of their service dogs. Founder of 4 Paw 4 Patriots James Mann attempted to speak to the manager. In the video of the exchange, which was posted to YouTube, the manager states that he doesn’t care about the law. He says one of his employees is frightened of dogs and that is part of the reason he turns service animals away. This is not the first incident the manager has been accused of. He is also accused of turning a 5-year-old and his service dog away in late May.