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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

A crowd of students dancing and singing with the band at the Light the W event in 2022.

Lighting a tradition

Lucas Moore, Reporter October 12, 2023

Weber State University held its annual “Light the W” event in the Stewart Bell Tower Plaza on Oct. 9, from 6 to 8 p.m. Wildcats from all corners of WSU came to kick off homecoming week with this four-year-old...

The lit up W can be seen from Bell Tower Plaza after the 2022 Light the W event.

Encendiendo una tradición

Mariano Martinez Martinez, Traductor October 12, 2023

Weber State University celebró su evento anual "Light the W" (“Ilumina la W”) en la Plaza Stewart Bell Tower el 9 de octubre, de 6 a 8 p.m. Wildcats de todos los rincones de WSU se reunieron para...

Though not completely under WSUSA, many Hype Squad members can be found in the office located on the Shepherd Union's third floor. (Kennedy Robins/ The Signpost)

Wildcats wearing their Weber-wear on Wednesdays

Makayla Geddes October 11, 2021

Wildcat Wednesdays are a new school spirit initiative officially introduced to campus for the first time this year. Started by the Hype Squad to promote Wildcat pride, students are encouraged to wear purple...

(pixbay) Photo credit: Pixaby

It takes two to be a ‘True Wildcat’

Tori Waltz October 6, 2018

Every year after the homecoming dance, students from Weber State University flock with their dates to the Bell Tower Plaza in order earn the official status of “True Wildcat” at the stroke...

Weber State University celebrates Homecoming Pep Rally in the Shepherd Union atrium on Monday, Oct 3. (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

Pep Rally ignites and excites students for Homecoming

Daniel Ray October 5, 2016

Homecoming week festivities kicked off on Oct. 3 in the Shepherd Union Atrium with a pep rally featuring the Weber State University Spirit Squad, marching band and a host of volunteers from WSUSA. Before...

Five ways to show school spirit all semester long

October 5, 2014

Homecoming week is the time to flaunt your school pride, but it doesn’t have to be the only week your school spirit shines bright! Here are a few ways to roar like a true Wildcat and bleed purple...

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