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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

WSU Political Science professors Leah Murray (left), Gary Johnson (center) and Thom Kuehls (right) discuss the history and process of impeachment.

Impeachment’s indeterminate implications

Francisco Ruiz November 21, 2019

The public received its first televised glimpse into the U.S. House’s impeachment inquiry on Nov. 13. Three WSU Political Science professors, Dr. Gary Johnson, Dr. Thomas Kuehls and Dr. Leah Murray...

Art by Aubree Eckhardt

I have a sticker to prove I voted. So why has my vote been ignored?

Daryn Steed March 20, 2019

On Nov. 6, 2018, I lined up outside my city council building to vote. Though the race for Senate and my local representatives seemed airtight, Utah had several propositions up in the air. Prop 2 aimed...

Clark Aposhian responds to questions provided by Leah Murray regarding gun control and The Second Amendment. Photo credit: Chloe Walker

Interpreting the Second Amendment

Ryan Marion February 28, 2018

A discussion on interpreting the Second Amendment was held on Feb. 21 at Weber State University. Experts discussed both sides of the issue and answered questions from students.Professor Leah Murray led...

Weber State students learn about amending the Constitution

September 17, 2015

As a part of Weber State’s participation in Constitution week, students gathered at the Wildcat Theater on Wednesday to learn more about the way the Constitution has changed since it was first written...

When rights collide, equality must win

February 4, 2015

With the United States anticipating the Supreme Court's expected June announcement on same-sex marriage, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has chosen to take a stance supporting anti-discrimination...

Women's rights still a work in progress

September 16, 2014

“I still can’t believe I still have to protest this s---,” an Equal Rights Amendment shirt states. In honor of Constitution week here at Weber State, I decided it was a good time to discuss some...

Harnessing the power of your mind

September 16, 2014

Lately, I have been thinking about a human's most powerful asset: their mind. It can be such a miraculous thing. I mean, maybe we can't shoot yaks with mind bullets from 200 yards away like Tenacious...

Opposing Viewpoint: Vote for Romney

August 13, 2012

The 2008 presidential election was two months before my 18th birthday, so I wasn’t able to vote. I consider myself a patriotic person, and I am eternally grateful for the freedoms we have in the great...

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