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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Vice provost of High Impact Educational Experiences and Faculty Excellence, International and Graduate Studies, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, is said to be stepping down from her position at Weber State University.// Vice rectora de High Impact Educational Experiences y excelencia de la facultad, studies internacionales y graduados, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, se ha declarado que terminal su trabajo con la Universidad de Weber State.

Weber State se deshace de posiciones de liderazgo en medio de los mandatos estatales

Victoria Hernandez and James Gordon March 18, 2025

La Universidad de Weber State está remodelando sus operaciones en virtud de la Ley 265 de la Cámara de Representantes, eliminando puestos en la administración y reorganizando el personal académico. La...

Vice provost of High Impact Educational Experiences and Faculty Excellence, International and Graduate Studies, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, is said to be stepping down from her position at Weber State University.// Vice rectora de High Impact Educational Experiences y excelencia de la facultad, studies internacionales y graduados, Dr. Brenda Kowalewski, se ha declarado que terminal su trabajo con la Universidad de Weber State.

Weber State trims leadership roles amid state mandate

James Gordon, Reporter March 18, 2025

Weber State University is reshaping operations under House Bill 265, eliminating positions in administration and reorganizing academics. HB 265, titled The Higher Education Strategic Reinvestment Bill,...


Free Adobe? It’s here

Jennifer Greenlee August 27, 2019

Students frequently use the Adobe applications — software such as InDesign, the Premiere programs and Photoshop — during classes. However, typically had to stay after class or come early so...

Mike Moon and Leah Murray to receive Lindquist award

March 31, 2015

Mike Moon and Leah Murray are expected to receive the John A. Lindquist Award at a luncheon on April 1 at 12:30 p.m. at Weber State University’s Shepherd Union building in Ballroom B. They both will...

WSU receives Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement

January 15, 2015

Weber State University has been recognized for a second time by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as one of a few universities in the nation that is engaged in its community. The...

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