If you enjoy history and want a more interactive way of learning, the American Adventure exhibit at the Union Station is a great place to visit. In this exhibit, your goal is to survive for one year, as you experience the life and hardships of a 17th century English colonist.
“This exhibit was originally created by Minotar Mazes in partnership with the Virginia Living Museum. What I like is that the entire thing is based on actual history,” Elizabeth Sutton, executive director of the Union Station said. “These challenges are all based on things that the colonist would have experienced. It’s very factual but you are learning in a way in which you feel like you are in school.”
Everyone is given a telltale life chart that you wear as a necklace throughout the maze. The necklace has a board with beads that you move up or down throughout the maze. The categories include: food, wealth, morale and health. The maze also engages your senses. You can hear birds as you pass through, identify different types of trees through smells and try your skills on the rock wall.
“It’s a really easy way to learn about Jamestown. You learn more when you are living it.” said Amanda Felix Woolley, the Union Station manager.
This is the first year the Union Station has featured this award-winning exhibit. The American Adventure exhibition travels across the country, but Ogden is its only stop in the state of Utah.
“This exhibit allows locals to be part of that national dialogue, and to have something that is national quality come and visit Ogden,” Sutton said. “It’s a great opportunity and we are able to include it in the regular price of admission with funding through the RAMP and the Powell foundations.”
The 2,5oo square foot maze winds you through a series of different stations and challenges and can be completed within an hour.
“My favorite part is that you get to live or die by your decisions and you learn a lot from that,” Tracy Ehrig, business and marketing manager at the Union Station said. “It’s not only fun but it’s educational, it’s the perfect storm.”
The American Adventure welcomes people of all ages but it was designed for kids at about a 5th grade level.
“I thought the exhibit was designed for children but I had a blast,” Rebecca Cross, WSU student, said. “It reminded me of the computer game The Oregon Trail that I used to play as a kid, but way more challenging and exciting, I would recommend it to anyone of any age.”
The American Adventure exhibit runs from September 29, 2015 through January 9, 2016. Exhibit hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday and is closed on Sundays and holidays.