For many on The Signpost editorial board, learning that the Supreme Court of the United States has chosen to recognize marriage between same-sex couples in all 50 states was a relief. When asked if this was a good idea, the editorial staff let out a resounding “duh!”
It seems to be a trend that college-aged Americans are more politically liberal than their parents. For us, though, the decision to legitimize same-sex marriage wasn’t one of politics. Rather, it was one of just doing what is right and fair.
America is supposed to be “the land of the free,” but how can it be free if we aren’t allowing a significant minority of the population to live as they choose? Sure, there are those who claim gay-marriage is wrong and that this decision effectively authorized the same kind of things that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for, but The Signpost’s editorial staff doesn’t see it that way. No matter what we believe God did or didn’t do, we don’t think it’s fair to withhold the benefits of marriage from anyone who wants them.
Taking a lighter, analogous look at this, if someone else is eating a doughnut in front of you, and you’re on a diet, do you get mad and say that they can’t have doughnuts because of your choice? No. Most people would see that as rude and rightfully so.
The Signpost’s editorial board feels much the same way. No one on the staff is openly gay, but we don’t feel that it’s right to tell someone else that they can’t live their life the way they want to just because we don’t like what they’re doing.
It’s important to note the demographic of The Signpost editors. We’re all in our 20s, and with the exception of two individuals, we’re Caucasian. According to Gallup polls about marriage, our reaction is pretty typical for our demographic.
According to Gallup’s poll on marriage, since the ’90s, when many of The Signpost editors were growing up, opinions have been slowly changing. Each year, for nearly the last 20 years, the desire to see gay marriage legally recognized has increased by about 2 percent.
Especially in a highly conservative state like Utah, The Signpost editors wanted to point out that while the Supreme Court’s decision changes things for many institutions, it does not affect religious institutions.
While the Supreme Court has the power to interpret the law any way they see fit, this ruling does not change the interpretation of the First Amendment: that there “shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” This includes forcing a religious group to marry gay couples.
The Signpost editorial board also finds it imperative that we remind each other to be respectful. Like Thumper in Disney’s “Bambi” said, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” That applies to everyone.
For The Signpost editors, we’re all grateful that this ruling happened when it did. To quote one, “it’s about time.”