Traditions are often maintained by a unanimous agreement on a certain method, process or way of life, and even extend to the colors of the tassels graduates wear on their graduation day.

Convocation ceremonies begin at 10 a.m. and run until 7:30 p.m. on April 29. To prepare, students may attend the Grad Finale event on April 12 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to acquire the necessary amenities and regalia, or they can order their graduation apparel through the Wildcat Store.
Graduates can acquire their free cap, gown and tassel, along with an associate and bachelor’s degrees honors cord for students who have a 3.6 GPA or higher. Other graduation-related items like graduation announcements, class rings and diploma frames will also be available at Grad Finale.
According to the WSU website, all those who are eligible can earn prizes, an alumni apparel package and a diploma frame.
Graduates will receive their designated tassel. Each color represents a different college, yet certain master’s, bachelor’s and associate degrees may vary out of tradition.
Thirteen different colors of tassels are used to distinguish graduates from their respective fields of study at Weber State University.
“There are standardized colors used nationwide to indicate the degree field,” Sarah Steimel, director of the Master of Professional Communication program, said. “Though it’s not required by any university, and each university varies slightly from the next, there’s value in participating in the tradition – which WSU has done for over 20 years.”

The Spring 2022 Commencement ceremony starts at 8 a.m. on April 29 at the Dee Events Center for all graduates. Convocations, where the graduates will individually walk, will follow throughout the rest of the day.
The College of Science starts off the grad walks on April 29 from 10–11:30 a.m. at the Val. A. Browning Center in the Austad Auditorium. All graduates will wear a golden yellow tassels.
The College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology begins at the same time in the Dee Events Center. Five specific degrees will be showing off orange tassels: the Master and Bachelor of Computer Engineering, the Master and Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and the Associate of Pre-Engineering. All other Applied Science & Technology degrees will wear black tassels.
At 10:30 a.m., Bachelor of Integrated Studies graduates will begin walking, bearing a cream-colored tassel, in the Shepard Union Ballroom until noon.
John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics students will all wear a brown tassel, including the master’s programs. Their convocation runs from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Browning Center.
Graduates from The College of Social & Behavioral Sciences will, like BIS graduates, have cream-colored tassels, with the exception of the Master of Criminal Justice graduates, who will wear citron tassels. Their convocation will run from 12:30-2 p.m. at the Dee Events Center.
Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities is scheduled to walk from 3-4:30 p.m. at the Browning Center. All of the graduates will wear white tassels with the exception of Master of Professional Communication graduates, who will wear crimson tassels.
The graduates of Dr. Ezekiel R. Dumke College will walk at 3-4:30 p.m. as well. The ceremony will be held at the Dee Events Center. The tassel colors of Bachelor of Athletic Therapy, Master of Respiratory Therapy and Master of Athletic Training are sage green. The Bachelor of Public Health, Bachelor of Health Administrative Services and the Master of Health Administration tassels are salmon-colored. The Master of Nursing, Master of Nurse Practitioner, Master of Radiology and all other health professions grads will wear apricot-colored tassels.
According to Kristi Anderson, the administrative support for the health administrative services and Master of Health Administrative Services, says salmon has been the universal color for specific master and bachelor programs over the years.
Jerry & Vickie Moyes College of Education graduates will walk 5:30-7 p.m. at the Browning Center, sporting light blue tassels.
General Studies graduates will wrap up the convocations, wearing a Weber State tassel of purple and white, at the Dee Events Center from 6-7:30 p.m.
The next day, April 30, there will be a graduation convocation held from 10-11:30 a.m. for the Reserved Officers Training Corps Commissioning at the Browning Center.