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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Weber State senior Hailey Burton brought this poster to her sit-in protesting the posters (Harrison Epstein/The Signpost)

The latest case of race disgrace at WSU

Harrison Epstein April 10, 2019

White supremacists? At my university? It’s likelier than you might think. On March 30, students discovered flyers and stickers displaying a white nationalist group’s logo posted in various...

WSUSA members meet over lunch in the SIL room. (Bella Torres / The Signpost)

The Signpost asked to leave exec board meeting

Deborah Wilber September 13, 2018

In previous years, under different leadership, WSUSA executives clashed with The Signpost over whether or not journalists had the right to attend executive meetings and report on them. A reporter...

WSUSA in Review: Week of Sept. 25

Deborah Wilber October 2, 2017

Student Senate plans meet and greetOn Sept. 25, Weber State University Student Association President Parker Hughes announced a date and time for the Senate’s Meet, Greet and Eat event.On Oct. 16,...

A group of students work on their homework on campus. A recent WSUSA meeting discussed the 'free hour,' a break from scheduled classes for students to catch up on schoolwork or participate in school activities between classes. (The Signpost Archives)

Struggle of power over a free hour

Chris Nichols March 26, 2017

The Weber State University Student Association Executive Board met on March 23 to discuss a previous class scheduling policy at Weber State. Several years ago, a protocol determined that no classes were...

WSUSA muses over merits of meetings

Chris Nichols February 14, 2017

The Weber State University Student Association Executive Board met on Feb. 9 to discuss the efficiency of their current meeting schedule involving the other association members. The discussion...

A crowd dressed in purple cheers on the men's basketball team in their first round of the NCAA Tournament in St. Louis, Missouri in Spring 2016. Student executives hold a meeting to discuss Weber Wear Friday and #JustWeber to boost overall school spirit. (The Signpost Archives)

Are #JustWeber and Weber Wear Fridays effective? WSUSA decides

Chris Nichols January 22, 2017

On Jan. 19, the Weber State University Student Association Executive Board met to discuss their future plans to better implement several projects. The projects emphasized were Weber Wear Fridays...

Los pros y los contras de las posiciones compartidas por WSUSA

Ben Brandley November 14, 2016

WSUSA comparte los pros y los contras de servir.Los miembros de la mesa directiva de WSUSA discutieron los pros y los contras de sus posiciones in una reunion ejecutiva reciente. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px...

Morgan Gardiner, Service Vice President, laughs in a group exercise involving complimenting the person next to her in the WSUSA meeting on Oct. 5. The executives discussed the pros and cons of WSUSA in a separate group exercise in a meeting on Sept. 28. (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

WSUSA members face challenges, embrace leadership

Ben Brandley November 13, 2016

WSUSA executive board members discussed the pros and cons of their positions in a September executive board meeting.Gregory Woodfield, president of WSUSA, invited the executive board members to share stressors...

Gregory Woodfield, WSUSA President, addresses other WSUSA executives in an open meeting on Oct. 5. Meetings have been closed to the public since Oct. 19. (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

WSUSA executive meetings can be closed to public

Rachel Badali November 3, 2016

The WSUSA Executive Board can meet behind closed doors, according to legal counsel for Weber State University and The Signpost. During a meeting Tuesday, lawyers for both parties agreed that the...

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