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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Latinos se reunen para apoyar al candidato presidencial Donald Trump.  (Fuente: Tribune News Services)

Su voto cuenta

Paula Ninataype September 16, 2016

Los tres grupos de minoridades más grandes de los Estados Unidos, Afroamericanos, Hispanos y los Asiáticos, estuvieron bien representados en las elecciones presidenciales del 2008. "El electorado...

Elections are being held through Thursday in the Shepherd Union building.  (Gabe Cerritos / The Signpost)

Students to elect new leaders this week

The Signpost March 13, 2016
WSUSA Executive Elections begin Monday

La senadora Escamilla habla a los estudiantes de WSU

Ingrid Maldonado October 15, 2015

El jueves por la mañana, la senadora Luz Escamilla dirigió unas palabras a los estudiantes y miembros de la facultad de Weber State University para clausurar la celebración del mes de la herencia...

Haz que tu voz se eschuche en la universidad

March 19, 2015

Sí, wildcats, es esa época del año otra vez, cuando los letreros de campaña inundan el campus, y los candidatos ejecutivos de WSUSA esperanzados persuaden a los estudiantes a votar por ellos con el...

Democratic candidate Donna McAleer speaks to Weber

November 2, 2014

Democratic congressional candidate Donna McAleer visited WSU Wednesday to speak on women in the military and their lack of presence in government. McAleer started by asking if everyone in the audience...

Student loan interest rate now 6.8 percent

July 8, 2013

Federal Stafford Loan (student loan) interest rates rose to 6.8 percent July 1, because the U.S. Senate was unable to come to an agreement on a bill passed by the House of Representatives, making Congress...

Opposing Viewpoint: Vote for Romney

August 13, 2012

The 2008 presidential election was two months before my 18th birthday, so I wasn’t able to vote. I consider myself a patriotic person, and I am eternally grateful for the freedoms we have in the great...

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