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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Weber Students are seen cleaning up and prepping the new goat shelter. Photo credit: Zadoth Vazquez

Greatest (break) of all time

Adam Montgomery March 16, 2022

The Center for Community and Engaged Learning Alternative Breaks team wrapped up a successful and busy week across the nation.According to the Alternative Breaks page on Weber State's website, this program...

Stephanie Wolfe, the adviser for Weber State's Amnesty International, was one of the presenters for the keynote event on Feb. 22.

Finding refuge in Ogden

Rebecca Baggett February 28, 2022

The Weber State Human Rights club, also known as Amnesty International, joined with Catholic Community Services to create a presentation on refugee resettlement in Ogden on Feb. 22 in Lindquist Hall.The...

The International Student and Scholar Center plans to bring 150 refugees from Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Weber County area. Photo credit: Makayla Martinez

Putting down new roots

Lexie Andrew November 8, 2021

Refugees fleeing their war-torn countries, some with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, are searching for shelter in other countries. Shannon Stephens, the recruitment and program...

Zach Baker (left), Terri Hughes (podium), Jean-Michel Habineza (center), and Loanes Rwiranzira (right) at the Rwanda Debate. (Sarah Catan / The Signpost)

Rwandan rebuttal

Hannah Olsen November 17, 2018

The Weber State University Debate Team was honored to host the IDebate Rwandan Debate team as a stop on their two-month tour of the United States. WSU debate was able to host a debate and ask the Rwandan...

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a session at the parliament in Tehran, Iran, on Dec. 10, 2017. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday that Iran could restore its relations with Saudi Arabia should the kingdom end its "friendship" with Israel. (Xinhua/Ahmad Halabisaz/Sipa USA/TNS)

Do you know your news? Jan. 11

Ashton Corsetti January 10, 2018

1. The president of which western Asian country called on the government in December 2017 to publish how much it spends on each institution?a. Iraqb. Iranc. Afghanistan2. Who is the author of the book...

Refugees from South Sudan rest at a refugee camp in Sudan's White Nile state near the border with South Sudan on May 17, 2017. (Xinhua/Mohamed Babiker/Sipa USA/TNS)

A rough road to refuge

Briana Whatcott June 26, 2017

At first glance, Amisi Singoma is like other 21-year-old men. He is a returned missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who attends Utah Valley University and loves to dance. But...

Mayra Camairgo, 17, center, a Dallas high school student stands on the steps of Dallas City Hall with  friends as they protest new immigration laws in Dallas, Texas, Monday, March 27, 2006. (Jeffery Washington/Fort Worth Star-Telegram/KRT)

Ogden communities affirm responsibilities toward immigrants

Chris Nichols June 5, 2017

Amid national tensions toward travel bans and federal borders, members within the Ogden community are making formal and informal resolutions to support and provide aid to immigrants and refugees. Members...

Ben Bigelow, a copy editor for The Signpost, shows his safety pin tattoo as a permanent mark that he will not stand for bigotry and hatred. (Photo Illustration by Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

Safety pins show support for the powerless, despite criticisms

Cydnee Green November 18, 2016

  During Brexit, the British withdrawal from the European Union, many people of the United Kingdom wore a safety pin to show their solidarity with refugees and immigrants. The safety pin was...

Agentes de ICE y oficiales de operaciones de expulsión visitan un hogar durante una redada de inmigración.  (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/TNS)

Redadas de inmigración atacan la tierra de libertad

Paula Ninataype January 22, 2016

Imagínese salir de casa cada mañana sin saber si es que verá a su familia otra vez. He visto a niños pequeños batallar por su niñez a confiar en las autoridades, tales como la policía, porque...

Agentes de ICE y oficiales de operaciones de expulsión visitan un hogar durante una redada de inmigración.  (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/TNS)

Immigration raids in the Land of the Free

Paula Ninataype January 22, 2016

Imagine leaving home every morning without knowing if you'll see your family again. I have seen small children struggle through their childhood to trust authorities like the police because, at...

Los voluntarios en Dilley, Texas el año pasado para ayudar a los refugiados que han huido de los países de América del Sur y Central. (Source: Timothy R. Conrad)

Una oportunidad que ayuda a las familias durante vacaciones de primavera

Keela Disterhaft January 13, 2016

Las próximas vacaciones de primavera profesor Timothy Conrad, profesor asistente en el departamento de Inglés de Weber State, pide a voluntarios para ayudar con los esfuerzos hacia la reagrupación...

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