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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

A photo of the blue and red lights on top of a police patrol car.

Police Blotter 11/21

Sky Mundell, Asst. News Editor November 21, 2023

Elevator trouble On Nov. 9, just after noon, the Weber State University Police Department dispatched an officer to the Shepherd Union building on reports that someone had become trapped inside the northwest...

The inside one of the elevators located in the Shepherd Union building opening up on the fourth floor.

Ascensor ensuciado en WSU

Mariano Martinez Martinez, Traductor July 11, 2023

El martes 27 de junio, un empleado de Weber State University encontró las palabras "White Power" (Poder Blanco) escritas en la pared de un ascensor en el edificio Sheppard Union. Aunque el grafiti se...

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