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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Matt Naparlo and Lila Tomlinson attend Parent-Daughter Engineering Day at Weber State University in fall 2014. (The Signpost Archives)

Calling all future women engineers

Emilee Atkinson November 15, 2016

The focus of Weber State University’s annual Parent-Daughter Engineering Day is to bring in successful female engineers to encourage seventh- and eighth-grade girls with an interest in engineering....

Gretel, played by Angelica Solis, sits with other members of the cast during the dinner portion of Murder Mystery, a time when a significant portion of the night's mystery is related to the audience. (Joshua Wineholt / The Signpost)

Murder Mystery

Jeweliette Cordero November 3, 2016

Between a missing princess, a chance to marry Prince Charming and the death of Snow White, Weber State’s Once Upon A Murder dinner left you guessing until the very end. If you’ve never been...

(Francisca Flores / The Signpost)

Día de los Muertos en campus de Davis

Rosa Arambula November 1, 2016

Día de los Muertos, conocido en inglés como Day of the Dead, es una fiesta mexicana que se celebra en todo México y en los Estados Unidos.Bahar Alimadadi, del último año, es la...

Día De Los Muertos is celebrated at Weber State University's Davis campus on Oct. 28. (Francisca Flores / The Signpost)

Día De Los Muertos reaches WSU Davis

Francisca Flores October 30, 2016

Día De Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and by people of Mexican descent living elsewhere, especially the United States. Director for Diversity Bahar Alamadadi...

As part of the simulation, 'In Their Shoes: Living with Domestic Violence,' students assume the role of a character who is struggling with abuse, going from table to table making decisions and learning their story. (Joshua Wineholt / The Signpost)

Gente viva la vida de sobreviventes

Alexis Rague October 27, 2016

En el evento patrocinado por Weber State en el campus de Davis de “En su lugar: viviendo con violencia doméstica” los participantes experimentaron la vida de los sobrevivientes de violencia...

Guests come dressed for the Wildcat Halloween Carnival at Layton Hills Mall on Oct. 22. (Sarah Earnshaw / The Signpost)

Halloween Carnival highlights WSU; Line proves problematic

Sarah Earnshaw October 25, 2016

When community members walked through the doors of the Layton Hills Mall on Oct. 22, the sound of children filled the hall and ghoulish monsters stalked every store. For the second year, the annual Wildcat...

Bailey Construction manager Steve Allphin and International Programs & Special Projects Coordinator
Kathy Culliton discuss the construction plans for the Nursing Lab at Marriott Health Building. (Christina Huerta/ The Signpost)

Nursing lab at WSU undergoing reconstruction

Kellie Plumhof April 12, 2016

The nursing lab at Weber State University is undergoing its first major renovation in over 20 years. The renovation began the last week of March and has an anticipated completion date of August 15.Susan...

Community members crowded into the  WSU Davis ballroom for “Meet the Candidates Night” hosted by the Walker Institute of Politics and Public Service. (Christina Huerta/The Signpost)

Davis Campus swarmed by candidates and voters

Michael Grennell March 31, 2016

The Weber State University Davis Campus was packed with potential voters on March 30, as the Olene S. Walker Institute hosted a "Candidates Night" to allow those running for office to meet with the community.Almost...

Muggle quidditch at Davis campus

Amina Khan October 28, 2015

Wooden brooms, a Quaffle, Bludgers, three side-by-side hoops on each end of the playing field, a Golden Snitch and Muggles. All were key items needed for Weber State Univeristy’s first Muggle Quidditch...

"Blood and Guts " da instrucciones a los estudiantes de pre-medicina

Michael Bunderson October 19, 2015

El jueves 15 de octubre en el Campus de Davis de Weber State University, Jason Fritzler y Jane Stout, junto con College of Science, llevarán a cabo una sesión gratuita llamada "Blood and Guts" para...

"Blood and guts" provides guidance to pre-med students

Michael Bunderson October 13, 2015

This Thursday on Oct. 15 at the Weber State University Davis Campus, Jason Fritzler and Jane Stout, with the College of Science, will be hosting a free advisory session for pre-medical students titled...

News Briefs: Parking tickets and diversity conference

Tina Milewski October 6, 2015

Weber State to host 17th Annual Diversity Conference This Thursday and Friday Weber State University's 17th Annual Diversity Conference will be taking place at both the Ogden campus and the Davis campus. This...

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