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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Russ Dean looking over his students work and teaching them the skills needed for CSI work.

Recordando a Russ: profesor, mentor y pionero

Marianna Lopez Luritta and Sky Mundell January 17, 2023

El 31 de diciembre, el condado de Weber State University sufrió una pérdida significativa con el fallecimiento de Russ Dean. Los que le conocieron consideran a Dean un pionero en el campo de la ciencia...

Orchesis dancers outstretch their arms while dancing in "Unconscious Caged Mind." Photo credit: Kennedy Robins

Moving to the beat of community

Lexie Andrew April 13, 2022

In a small intimate space, audience members are brought together through dance to experience the importance of community in Orchesis Dance: When Movement Merges. The performance was on April 7-9 at Weber...

The final section of the Browning Center bus stop will be finished in the next year. Photo credit: Summer Muster


Alexandrea Bonilla March 28, 2022

Weber State students can expect construction cones and detours around campus for the foreseeable future. Students can and should continue to expect changes in the shuttle system and what travel to and...

Stephanie Wolfe, the adviser for Weber State's Amnesty International, was one of the presenters for the keynote event on Feb. 22.

Finding refuge in Ogden

Rebecca Baggett February 28, 2022

The Weber State Human Rights club, also known as Amnesty International, joined with Catholic Community Services to create a presentation on refugee resettlement in Ogden on Feb. 22 in Lindquist Hall.The...

Cache Valley Bank overlooks the beautiful view of the mountains. Photo credit: Camryn Johnson

Growing pains

Camryn Johnson February 7, 2022

Growing up in Ogden was amazing. I’ve lived here most of my life, and I will always have a soft spot for downtown Ogden. This town has many different shops, beautiful art and amazing local food....

Participants from last year's Community Art Show. Photo credit: Regina Esparza

Calling all young artists

Lissete Landaverde January 19, 2022

Ogden City Arts is looking for young Utah artists to participate in the fourth Community Art Show, which will begin on March 3. Community members 17 years old and younger who are interested in submitting...

Ogden's new Dumke Arts Plaza provides an area for outdoor live performances, poetry readings and art. (Nikki Dorber/The SIgnpost) Photo credit: Nikki Dorber

Dumke Arts Plaza enhances Ogden

Caitlyn Nichols December 6, 2021

Ogden celebrated the grand opening of the newly completed Dumke Arts Plaza, on the corner of 25th Street and Ogden Avenue, on Dec. 3 with a night of music, poetry, art and gratitude. A press release from...

There were 69 trees and almost 10 wreaths donated to the Christmas Tree Jubilee. Photo credit: Caitlyn Nichols

Kicking off the season with a spirit of giving

Caitlyn Nichols December 1, 2021

During the week of Thanksgiving, the Ogden Eccles Conference Center is filled with Christmas trees and festive decorations for the Weber School Foundation’s annual Christmas Tree Jubilee. The Weber...

Weber State's Orchesis dancers perform dances choreographed by an African dancer they call Zim Zim. (Nikki Dorber/The Signpost)

Communication through dance

Lexie Andrew November 22, 2021

For centuries, dance has been used by a multitude of different cultures as a way of communicating. "Where Dance Breathes" was this fall's dance performance by Weber State University's Orchesis Dance Theatre...

Each outfit worn by participants from a previous "Pow Wow" event displays not only their personalities, but their heritage. Photo credit: Signpost Archives

Amplifying indigenous voices

Lexie Andrew November 15, 2021

Native American Heritage Month, which spans the whole of November, brings with it a new focus to the Native American community, along with an acknowledgement of their resilience and continued involvement...

Members of the Weber State University Ballet Folklorico group take part in one of the community events celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at Weber State on Sept. 30. Photo credit: Weber State University

Celebrating the dead once more

Caitlyn Nichols November 10, 2021

Celebrations in Ogden for Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, finished with a final, lively night at The Monarch on Nov. 5, including dances from the Weber State University Ballet Folklórico. The...

Kim Tallbear talked about the challenges of indigenous definitions of peoplehood. (Kennedy Robins/ The Signpost)

Illuminating identity

Raymond Lucas November 8, 2021

In recognition of Native American Heritage Month for the month of November, Weber State University is holding its 16th annual Native Symposium until Nov. 19 with the theme "Illuminating Native Voices."...

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