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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Jasmin Cardenas told stories of her dreams of being an actress and how she met her life partner. Photo credit: Weber State University

Shared spaces, happy places

Tim Costello March 16, 2022

Many faculty and staff members gathered for the first time in several years at the Timbermine Steakhouse in Ogden to commemorate the 26th annual Weber State Storytelling Festival on March 1. David Byrd,...

The event hall where the period project took place. (Camryn Johnson/ The Signpost) Photo credit: Camryn Johnson

Ending period poverty.

ezra striley-weinman February 14, 2022

The overlooked social problem of period poverty, the lack of access to period products, in Utah was addressed at the event with the Walker Institute of Politics and Public Service in conjunction with The...

The month of February is celebrated as Black History Month. Photo credit: Pixabay

Black health and Black history

Connor Hopson February 2, 2022

Black History Month at Weber State University kicked off with keynote speaker Bryan Hotchkins, where he addressed Black health and wellness by framing all seven sections of his newest book, “My Black...

A march supporting Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of equality took place on Jan. 17 in Ogden, Utah. (Nikki Dorber/The Signpost)

Marching toward the future of equality

Alexandrea Bonilla January 19, 2022

On Aug. 28, 1963, over 200,000 people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to march for economic rights and equality. This is where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I...

President Brad Mortensen speaks to WSU faculty and staff during a virtual town hall. Photo credit: Catie Weimer

COVID numbers up, enrollment numbers down

Catie Weimer January 14, 2022

COVID-19 was once again the main topic of discussion at the Faculty and Staff Virtual Town Hall meeting on Jan. 13. Weber State University President Brad Mortensen spoke of the need for sufficient on-campus...

University President Brad Mortensen updates students on university progress toward making WSU a better campus for all students, staff and faculty at the Nov. 12 meeting. Photo credit: Jennifer Greenlee

The complications of campus climate

Jennifer Greenlee November 15, 2021

A protest rattled the Weber State campus a little more than a week ago when students of color discovered they had not been informed of white supremacist propaganda that had been taped on campus days before....

Students participating in the sit in at the Shepherd Union on Nov. 4 Photo credit: Caitlyn Nichols

Calling out campus contention

Jennifer Greenlee November 8, 2021

Protestors set up in the Shepherd Union on the morning of Nov. 4 in response to the white supremacist posters put up in at least the Shepherd Union and the Student Services building on the morning of Nov....

University President Brad Mortensen and Executive Director of Marketing and Communication John Kowalewski Photo credit: Marisa Nelson

Conversing toward a change in campus climate

Jennifer Greenlee November 5, 2021

Following the protest on Nov. 4, University President Brad Mortensen scheduled an impromptu meeting on Nov. 5 in the Diversity and Inclusion Center with protestors and campus diversity leaders and advocates....

Students holding signs during the protest at the Shepherd Union on Nov. 4. Photo credit: Caitlyn Nichols

Protesting for campus change

Jennifer Greenlee November 4, 2021

Protestors set up in the Shepherd Union on the morning of Nov. 4 in response to the white supremacist posters put up in at least the Shepherd Union and the Student Services building on the morning of Nov....

A new ad showing the new name of the BRT, now known as OGX, is featured on the side of a UTA bus. Photo credit: Weber State University

Ogden Express aims to impress

Marisa Nelson September 27, 2021

The Bus Rapid Transit line that will run through Weber State University's Ogden campus now has an official name. Weber State announced that the official title will be Ogden Express, or OGX, during a press...

President Joe Biden signs the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Thursday, June 17, 2021, surrounded by members of the Congressional Black Caucus as well as the lead sponsors of the legislation in the Senate. (Evan Vucci / AP Photo)

Juneteenth becomes an official federal holiday

Caitlyn Nichols June 19, 2021

The United States House of Representatives voted on June 16 to make Juneteenth (June 19) the 12th federal holiday. President Joe Biden signed the bill into law on June 17, making the movement official. While...

The state of Utah met certain criteria to end COVID-19 public health orders at state and local levels, including the use of face coverings at higher institutionalized schools. Photo credit: iStock

WSU updates COVID-19 protocols

Dalton Gallegos June 14, 2021

On June 14, an email went out to faculty and students that all COVID-19 protocols would be lifted across campus on June 15, though social distancing and masks for those not fully vaccinated will be heavily...

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