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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

A panel of physics educators spoke on Jan. 19 about bringing more science options to students. Photo credit: Lexie Andrew

La ciencia de la enseñanza

Andres Rodriguez January 31, 2022

Un panel de educadores de física aportó un punto de vista diferente a una conferencia virtual el 19 de enero sobre cómo enseñar ciencias, principalmente centrándose en física,...

A panel of physics educators spoke on Jan. 19 about bringing more science options to students. Photo credit: Lexie Andrew

Serving up the sciences

Lexie Andrew January 24, 2022

A panel of physics educators each brought a different viewpoint to a virtual lecture on Jan. 19 concerning how to teach the sciences, mainly focusing on physics, and how to bring these classes to a wider...

Silent auction gift baskets Photo credit: Jennifer Guzman

“Scarecrow” raises funds and volunteer opportunities

Jennifer Guzman October 19, 2017

In partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Weber-Davis, the Weber State University Student Association and volunteers helped assemble the necessary items for Scarecrow, a yearly auction event dedicated...

Pete es una lechuza occidental que fue traído por WRC. Él es un adulto

Feria trae oportunidades de servicio a WSU

Emmaline Davenport January 28, 2016

En la mayoría de los días, si uno visita al atrium del Shepherd Union de Weber State University, verán un grupo de estudiantes que van y vienen de clases. El 27 de enero, la ida y venida de estudiantes...

Martin Luther King Jr. addresses a crowd from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech during the Aug. 28, 1963, march on Washington, D.C. (Source: Wikicommons)

Service opportunities honor MLK Jr.

Keela Disterhaft January 14, 2016

On Jan. 18, the nation will honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Weber State University will participate in activities throughout the whole week. On Monday, students can eat breakfast and participate...

Martin Luther King Jr. dirige a la gente desde las escaleras de Lincoln Memorial donde dio el discurso famoso “Tengo un sueno”, el 28 de agosto de 1963. (Fuente: Wikicommons)

Oportunidades de servicio honran a MLK Jr.

Keela Disterhaft January 13, 2016

El 18 de enero, la nación va a honrar el cumpleaños de Martin Luther King Jr. Weber State University va a participar en actividades a lo largo de la semana. El lunes, estudiantes pueden desayunar...

Wilson speaks to Boys and Girls club

June 17, 2013

About 200 children and teens watched David Wilson, the Weber State University Student Association’s student body president, as he spoke to the Boys and Girls Club of Weber-Davis in Roy. Wilson gave...

Boys and Girls Club creates skateboard art

September 29, 2012

The Lucky Slice, a local pizzeria located on Historic 25th Street in Ogden, currently has two skateboard decks hanging on each side of the interior doorway. The decks are painted by local artists. In...

Students design chairs for charity

April 9, 2012

[media-credit id=7 align="alignright" width="300"][/media-credit]On April 6, the interior design department at Weber State University organized a charitable event that raised funds to be divided between...

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