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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

A screen grab of a Weber State Portal,  'Featured' screen, showing the Code Purple section.

Upcoming emergency test alert

Kennedy Camarena, Editor-in-chief October 5, 2023

Weber State University will be sending out a test emergency notification through their emergency notification system known as Code Purple on Oct. 10. Code Purple is used to communicate with the campus...

Pocket Points is free on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store (Pexels)

Receive rewards for keeping your phone locked on campus

Chris Nichols November 9, 2017

Have you ever considered that you can be rewarded for not using your phone while on campus? With the Pocket Points app, you can do just that.As a free download on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store,...

(Source: Vine Labs, Inc. / Wikimedia Commons)

Clinging to the Vine

Cole Eckhardt November 9, 2016

Vine will be dead before the New Year. I’ve been listening to the first few bars of Wiz Khalifa’s “See You Again” on repeat and desperately choking back sobs every time I see a...

A screenshot of the current votes for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the area surrounding WSU within the Hillary/Donald Go app. (Screenshot by Kellie Plumhof)

Ditch the Pokéstops for political stops

Kellie Plumhof November 6, 2016

The election year will officially come to an end Nov. 8 as Americans flood to the polls to cast their votes, but there is one last way to get in on the election craze before the ballots are counted. Professors...

Pricing options are listed on the SafeTrek website.  (Kellie Plumhof / The Signpost) Photo credit: Kellie Plumhof

App of the week: SafeTrek

Kellie Plumhof September 12, 2016

App: SafeTrek Cost: Free for the first week, prices vary on package   Available: Apple, Android Description: SafeTrek is an app that allows users to alert the police when they're in...

What's App-ening?

What’s App-ening?

Leah Higginbotham September 1, 2016

Welcome to What's App-ening, your weekly source for the latest and greatest in mobile apps. This week, I’ve got two amazing apps I’d like to share with you. The first app is a game called Love...

App of the week: Evil Apples

App of the week: Evil Apples

Kellie Plumhof January 23, 2016

App: Evil Apples Available: Apple, Android Cost: Free Description: Cards Against Humanity fans, rejoice! Evil Apples is a free, smartphone version of the popular explicit card game Card's...

App of the week: Goodbudget

App of the week: Goodbudget

Kellie Plumhof January 21, 2016

App: Goodbudget Available: Android, Apple Cost: Free Description: Goodbudget is a modern take on the classic envelope budget system. Users can make a virtual envelope for any type of expense,...

The homepage of the canvas app is filled with the students most current courses. (Kellie Plumhof / The Signpost)

App of the week: Canvas app

Kellie Plumhof January 12, 2016

App: Canvas Available: Apple, Android Cost: Free Description: Canvas is an website used by professors and students for online classes and coursework. The app is a mobile version of that...

Clinkle offers Treats to Weber State community

April 19, 2015

  Clinkle, a company based out of California, has brought their money-managing app Treats to campuses across Utah. Treats allows students to manage their money and stay in touch with friends. The...

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