Source: Tribune News Services.
Weber State University will celebrate the Day of the Dead with an art exhibition by satirical Mexican artist, José Guadalupe Posada on Nov. 2nd.
The open house will be from 6 to 8 p.m. to celebrate 100 years of Posada art. The exhibition will be in the Art Gallery in the Shepherd Union Building.
During the open house, there will be a discussion panel by members of WSU faculty, presentation of dances, live music and snacks. The event will be free to the public.
Uriel Flores, president of the Hispanic Area Council, said that as part of the celebration there will be altars outside the gallery to recognize and honor people who have died.
“Right now we have an altar for LGBT and women, which recognizes women who have been victims of rape or domestic abuse,” said Flores.
“Everyone is invited to see the exhibition and learn more about other cultures,” said Josselyn Vargas Sanders, member of HAC. “Learning from other cultures is personal enrichment,” said Sanders.