What do art students do with all the projects they do for classes? They may put them away in a closet for “safekeeping” and never see them again, use them for their portfolios or give them to someone. Or they may do what several artists did last week and sell them.
The pieces of art offered during the Art Guild sale held March 25 and 26 in the Kimball Visual Arts Center were varied. There were things you would expect to see such as photographs, drawings and paintings but there were other items for sale also. Ceramic mugs that were donated by the ceramics department were some of the fastest selling items.
There was also custom fabric, leather bound journals or sketch books, an ancient game played by the Egyptians, zombie Sponge Bob and Scooby-Doo, illustrations, screen prints of posters and you could even get feathers put in your hair.
The Art Guild is planning on doing another sale in the Shepherd Union sometime in the next couple of weeks.