When it gets warmer, it’s time to break out the hiking boots, sunscreen and swimsuits. Another fun thing to dig out of the summer closet is a picnic basket. Picnics are fun, adorable and cheap. A good picnic can include anything, but here are some good ideas.
Food, glorious food
To have a perfect picnic, it’s never a bad idea to have cliche picnic food in a big basket. Things like sandwiches and watermelon are great because no utensils are required. Some other great picnic munchies can be granola bars, apples, carrots, grapes, rolls and chips.
Good picnic foods will also be anything that are easily transported with no mess. More substantial food like chicken or potato salad usually requires plates and utensils, but for picnics Tupperware can work really well.
Drink me
As for drinks, water bottles are handy. Freezing any drink in the bottles the night before the picnic will make things easier by not having to bring a pitcher of lemonade or punch.
Let the games begin
Depending on who comes on the picnic, different activities can keep the fun going even after all the food has been eaten. If you are with family members or a large group of friends, throwing a Frisbee or football around or running onto a slip-n-slide are fun ways to be active and enjoy the sun. To get competitive, there are always corny games to play like three-legged races, tug-o-war, water balloon tosses and potato sack races.
Set the mood
Picnics aren’t only for families. They also make fantastic dates. To get the romance going, there can be rose petals or flowers scattered along the blanket with the food already set up with a bottle of wine or cider laid out. And who said picnic dates had to be held during the day? The mood can also be set by sharing a sunset while you eat.