1. The Suez Canal reopened on March 29 after a giant ship was cleared from blocking the canal. The canal is one of the world’s busiest _______ _________?
a. Water ways
b. Trade routes
c. Tourist sites
d. None of the above

2. A Weber County Sheriff’s sergeant passed away unexpectedly this weekend. How long did Spencer Stockard serve with the sheriff’s office?
a. 25 years
b. 10 years
c. 17 years
d. 2 years
3. On March 27, what company held an Easter egg hunt for the community, where they filled over 6,000 eggs?
a. Autoliv
b. Staker Parsons
c. Weber State University
d. Ken Garff
4. After the shooting in Boulder, Colorado last week, President Joe Biden made comments about working on gun control, but advocates were dumbfounded when he said __________ would still remain the administration’s next priority and not gun reform.
a. Infrastructure
b. COVID-19 relief
c. Police reform
d. Abortion laws

5. A location of Walker Cinemas, run by WSU student Shawn Bennion and his family, is getting ready to host its second year of _________?
a. Virtual community film festival
b. Free movie theater snack day
c. Filming his own movie
d. Partnering for a fundraiser

1. The correct answer is b, Trade routes. According to BBC, the Ever Given boat was freed on March 29 after being stuck for nearly a week in the Suez Canal. Egyptian officials have said the backlog of ships that have been waiting to get through will take about three days to be cleared.
2. The correct answer is c, 17 years. According to KSL, his death was unexpected, as stated in his obituary, but the actual cause was not specified. Stockard is survived by his wife and five children.
3. The correct answer is d, Ken Garff. According to ABC4, the egg hunt was hosted as a way to connect with the community and let community members know the Ken Garff team is “HEAR” for them.
4. The correct answer is a, Infrastructure. According to NPR, the Biden Administration was already holding meetings and making plans to reduce gun violence, instead of just “reacting to tragedy.” Because of this, many people were shocked that the administration is still not considering gun reform a top priority.
5. The correct answer is a, Virtual community film festival. According to the Standard Examiner, Bennion saw last year’s as a success and wanted to continue that into this year. Community members can submit films up to 10 minutes, and others will vote for their favorites.